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时间: 2024-09-10 03:41:16


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using "renovate" along with Chinese translations:

1. The company decided to renovate their headquarters to create a more modern workspace. (公司决定翻新他们的总部,以创建一个更现代化的工作空间。)

2. They plan to renovate the old house and turn it into a bed and breakfast. (他们计划翻新这座旧房子,把它改建成一家民宿。)

3. The city council approved funds to renovate the historic library. (市议会批准资金用于翻新历史悠久的图书馆。)

4. We need to renovate the kitchen before putting the house on the market. (在把房子上市之前,我们需要翻新厨房。)

5. She hired a contractor to renovate the bathroom and install new fixtures. (她雇了一个承包商来翻新浴室并安装新的装置。)

6. The government plans to renovate public parks across the city. (政府计划翻新城市各处的公园。)

7. The school decided to renovate the playground to make it safer for the children. (学校决定翻新操场,以使其对孩子们更安全。)

8. They are looking for volunteers to help renovate the community center. (他们正在寻找志愿者帮助翻新社区中心。)

9. The hotel will close temporarily to renovate its rooms and add new amenities. (酒店将暂时关闭以翻新客房并增加新设施。)

10. The homeowners decided to renovate their backyard and create a garden oasis. (业主决定翻新后院,并打造一个花园绿洲。)

11. It took several months to renovate the historic mansion to its former glory. (历时几个月来将这座历史悠久的大厦翻新至昔日的辉煌。)

12. They hired an interior designer to renovate their living room and give it a more contemporary look. (他们聘请了一名室内设计师来翻新客厅,赋予它更现代化的外观。)

13. The church raised funds to renovate the stained glass windows. (教堂筹集资金来翻新彩色玻璃窗。)

14. The theater will close for a year to renovate its seating and improve acoustics. (剧院将关闭一年以翻新座位和改善音响效果。)

15. The city has a program to help low-income families renovate their homes. (城市推出了一个计划,帮助低收入家庭翻新他们的住房。)


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