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时间: 2024-09-28 23:02:26


1. The detective revealed the identity of the killer to the shocked crowd.(侦探向震惊的人群揭露了杀手的身份。)

2. The magician revealed the secret behind his famous disappearing act.(魔术师揭露了他著名的消失魔术背后的秘密。)

3. The investigation revealed that the company had been involved in fraudulent activities.(调查揭示了公司涉及欺诈活动的事实。)

4. The artist finally revealed his masterpiece after months of secrecy.(艺术家终于在数月的保密后展示了他的杰作。)

5. The documentary revealed the harsh living conditions in the impoverished community.(纪录片揭示了贫困社区的恶劣生活条件。)

6. The new evidence revealed a different side to the story.(新证据揭示了故事的另一面。)

7. The book's final chapter revealed the truth about the protagonist's mysterious past.(这本书的最后一章揭示了主人公神秘过去的真相。)

8. The leaked emails revealed the company's unethical business practices.(泄露的电子邮件揭露了公司的不道德商业行为。)

9. The DNA test revealed that the two individuals were long-lost siblings.(DNA测试揭示了这两个人是失散多年的兄弟姐妹。)

10. The autopsy revealed the cause of death to be poisoning.(尸检揭示了死因是中毒。)

11. The survey revealed that the majority of participants preferred the new product over the old one.(调查显示大多数参与者更喜欢新产品而不是旧产品。)

12. The whistleblower revealed the company's illegal activities to the authorities.(告密者向当局揭露了公司的非法活动。)

13. The press conference revealed the shocking details of the political scandal.(新闻发布会披露了政治丑闻的令人震惊的细节。)

14. The experiment revealed a surprising correlation between the two variables.(实验揭示了两个变量之间的令人惊讶的相关性。)

15. The documentary revealed the hidden history of the ancient civilization.(纪录片揭示了古代文明的隐藏历史。)

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