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时间: 2024-09-20 00:04:32


1. The climber carefully scaled the rockface, using every crevice to find a foothold. 中文:攀登者小心翼翼地攀登着岩石表面,利用每一处凹陷寻找着脚踏点。

2. As the sun set, the colors of the rockface changed from warm oranges to cool purples. 中文:太阳落山时,岩石表面的颜色由暖橙色变成了冷紫色。

3. The rockface loomed above them, casting a shadow over the entire valley. 中文:岩石表面高高耸立在他们上方,投下一片阴影覆盖整个山谷。

4. The artist captured the rugged beauty of the rockface in his painting. 中文:艺术家在画作中捕捉到了岩石表面的崎岖之美。

5. The rockface was covered in intricate carvings, telling the story of ancient civilizations. 中文:岩石表面上镶嵌着复杂的雕刻,诉说着古代文明的故事。

6. Climbing the sheer rockface required immense strength and concentration. 中文:攀登陡峭的岩石表面需要极大的力量和专注力。

7. The rockface provided a natural challenge for the experienced climbers. 中文:岩石表面为经验丰富的攀登者提供了一种自然挑战。

8. The rockface was dotted with tiny, colorful wildflowers, adding a touch of beauty to the rugged terrain. 中文:岩石表面上点缀着小巧、多彩的野花,为崎岖的地形增添了一丝美丽。

9. The rockface stood as a testament to the power and resilience of nature. 中文:岩石表面是自然力量和韧性的见证。

10. The climbers paused to admire the breathtaking view from the rockface. 中文:攀登者停下来欣赏岩石表面所呈现的令人叹为观止的景色。

11. The rockface provided a sense of solitude and tranquility for those who sought refuge in its shadow. 中文:岩石表面为那些在其阴影下寻求庇护的人提供了一种孤独和宁静的感觉。

12. The rockface was a popular spot for rock climbers, drawing enthusiasts from all over the world. 中文:岩石表面是攀岩爱好者的热门地点,吸引着来自世界各地的爱好者。

13. The rockface was weathered and worn, bearing the marks of countless years of erosion. 中文:岩石表面经风雨侵蚀,磨损不堪,留下了无数年的侵蚀痕迹。

14. The rockface provided a natural canvas for the graffiti artists, who left their colorful marks on its surface. 中文:岩石表面为涂鸦艺术家提供了一个自然的画布,他们在其表面留下了丰富多彩的标记。

15. The rockface held a sense of mystery, with hidden caves and tunnels waiting to be explored. 中文:岩石表面带有一种神秘感,隐藏着待探索的洞穴和隧道。

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