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时间: 2024-09-28 23:01:31


Certainly! Here are 15 example sentences with Chinese translations for "sapling":

1. The young sapling grew straight and tall in the fertile soil. (这棵年轻的树苗在肥沃的土壤中长得又直又高。)

2. We planted several saplings in the park to replace the old trees. (我们在公园里种了几棵树苗来替换老树。)

3. Carefully nurture the sapling until it establishes strong roots. (小心地培育这棵树苗,直到它长出坚固的根系。)

4. The forest floor was dotted with young saplings of various species. (森林地面上散布着各种不同种类的年轻树苗。)

5. She gently watered the fragile sapling to help it survive the summer heat. (她轻轻地给这棵脆弱的树苗浇水,帮助它在夏日的高温中生存。)

6. The sapling swayed in the breeze, its leaves shimmering in the sunlight. (树苗在微风中摇曳,它的叶子在阳光下闪闪发光。)

7. They fenced off the area to protect the saplings from grazing animals. (他们用篱笆围起来保护树苗不受放牧动物的破坏。)

8. It takes years of careful tending to turn a sapling into a sturdy tree. (把一棵树苗培育成一棵坚固的大树需要多年的精心照料。)

9. The sapling was transplanted from the nursery into the garden with great care. (这棵树苗被小心地从苗圃移栽到花园里。)

10. The saplings need regular pruning to encourage healthy growth. (这些树苗需要定期修剪以促进健康生长。)

11. They planted a commemorative sapling in memory of their late father. (他们种了一棵纪念性的树苗以纪念他们已故的父亲。)

12. The sapling was supported by a stake until its trunk grew strong enough to stand on its own. (这棵树苗用支架支撑着,直到它的树干长得足够坚固可以自立。)

13. The farmer carefully selected the healthiest saplings to plant in the orchard. (农民精心挑选了最健康的树苗种植在果园里。)

14. The young boy proudly showed off the sapling he had grown from a seed. (小男孩自豪地展示了他从种子种出的树苗。)

15. Over time, the sapling matured into a majestic oak tree. (随着时间的推移,这棵树苗长成了一棵雄伟的橡树。)


上一个 【英语】yeanling的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】stripling的例句



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