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时间: 2024-09-20 05:41:58


1. The savage beast roared in the darkness, sending chills down our spines. (野兽在黑暗中咆哮,令我们背脊发凉。)

2. The savage storm tore through the town, leaving destruction in its wake. (猛烈的风暴肆虐着小镇,留下了一片废墟。)

3. The savage warrior brandished his sword, ready for battle. (野蛮的战士挥舞着他的剑,准备战斗。)

4. The savage dictator ruled with an iron fist, crushing any opposition. (野蛮的独裁者用铁腕统治,镇压任何反对势力。)

5. The savage beauty of the untamed wilderness took my breath away. (原始荒野的野蛮美丽令我惊叹不已。)

6. He unleashed a savage attack on his opponent, overwhelming him with brute force. (他对对手发动了猛烈的攻击,以蛮力压倒了他。)

7. The savage tribes clashed in a brutal battle for territory. (野蛮部落在残酷的领土争夺战中发生冲突。)

8. The savage injustice of the system led to widespread protests. (系统的野蛮不公引发了大规模的抗议。)

9. The savage hunger in the eyes of the starving children was heartbreaking. (饥饿的孩子眼中的野蛮饥饿令人心碎。)

10. She unleashed a savage critique of the government's policies, exposing their flaws and failures. (她对政府政策进行了猛烈的批评,揭露了它们的缺陷和失败。)

11. The savage cold of the winter froze the landscape, turning it into a desolate wasteland. (严寒的冬季冻结了大地,使其变成了一片荒凉的荒野。)

12. The savage truth of the matter was finally revealed, shocking everyone involved. (事情的野蛮真相最终被揭露,震惊了所有相关人员。)

13. The savage competition for resources led to conflicts and bloodshed. (资源的激烈争夺导致了冲突和流血事件。)

14. The savage waves crashed against the shore, eroding the coastline. (猛烈的海浪拍打着海岸,侵蚀着海岸线。)

15. The savage treatment of the prisoners sparked outrage and condemnation from human rights organizations. (对囚犯的野蛮对待引发了人权组织的愤怒和谴责。)

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