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时间: 2024-09-20 06:03:05


1. He was made the scapegoat for the team's failure, even though it wasn't entirely his fault.(他被当作替罪羊,尽管并不完全是他的错。)

2. The politician tried to blame the country's economic problems on a convenient scapegoat.(这位政客试图把国家的经济问题归咎于一个方便的替罪羊。)

3. The CEO used the junior employees as scapegoats to deflect attention from his own mistakes.(这位CEO把初级员工当作替罪羊,以转移对他自己错误的注意。)

4. She felt like a scapegoat in the office, constantly being blamed for things that weren't her fault.(她觉得自己在办公室里成了替罪羊,总是为不是她的错被责备。)

5. The innocent man was unfairly made a scapegoat for the crime he didn't commit.(这个无辜的人被不公正地当作替罪羊,尽管他并没有犯罪。)

6. The company used the economic downturn as a scapegoat for their poor performance, instead of addressing internal issues.(公司把经济下滑当作他们业绩不佳的替罪羊,而不是解决内部问题。)

7. The media often targets celebrities as scapegoats for societal issues.(媒体经常把名人当作社会问题的替罪羊。)

8. She refused to let herself become the scapegoat for her family's dysfunction.(她拒绝让自己成为家庭功能障碍的替罪羊。)

9. The scapegoat was chosen to bear the sins of the community and then driven away.(替罪羊被选中来背负社区的罪恶,然后被赶走。)

10. The team captain used the new player as a scapegoat for the team's poor performance.(队长把新队员当作球队表现不佳的替罪羊。)

11. The company's management tried to find a scapegoat for the financial losses, rather than taking responsibility themselves.(公司管理层试图找个替罪羊来承担财务损失,而不是自己承担责任。)

12. The government used the minority group as a scapegoat for the country's problems.(政府把少数群体当作国家问题的替罪羊。)

13. In some cultures, animals were used as scapegoats to take away bad luck.(在一些文化中,动物被当作替罪羊来带走厄运。)

14. The company's CEO made the marketing team the scapegoat for the failed product launch.(公司的CEO把营销团队当作产品失败发布的替罪羊。)

15. The teacher made the troublemaker the scapegoat for the classroom disruptions, even though others were also at fault.(老师把捣蛋鬼当作课堂混乱的替罪羊,尽管其他人也有错。)


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