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时间: 2024-10-06 16:50:27


1. The seed-head of the dandelion scattered its seeds in the wind.


2. The farmer collected the seed-heads from the wheat plants to save for next year's planting.


3. The seed-head of the sunflower is a popular snack for birds.


4. The children enjoyed blowing on the seed-head of the dandelion to watch the seeds float away.


5. The seed-head of the grass plant contains hundreds of tiny seeds.


6. 这个植物的种子头充满了成熟的种子。

(The seed-head of this plant is full of mature seeds.)

7. 秋天,谷物的种子头变得沉甸甸的,因为种子都成熟了。

(In autumn, the seed-heads of the grain become heavy as the seeds ripen.)

8. 孩子们在田野里捡拾着蒲公英的种子头,玩得不亦乐乎。

(The children had a great time picking dandelion seed-heads in the field.)

9. 这种植物的种子头可以用来提取植物油。

(The seed-heads of this plant can be used to extract plant oil.)

10. 鸟儿们聚集在向日葵的种子头周围,享受着美味的大餐。

(The birds gathered around the seed-head of the sunflower, enjoying a delicious feast.)

11. 种子头的形状和大小对于植物的繁殖起着重要的作用。

(The shape and size of the seed-head play an important role in the reproduction of plants.)

12. 风吹过,将蒲公英的种子头吹散到了四面八方。

(The wind blew, scattering the seed-heads of the dandelion in all directions.)

13. 种子头上的毛发帮助种子在风中传播。

(The hairs on the seed-head help the seeds to be dispersed by the wind.)

14. 种子头的设计能够帮助植物的种子传播到更远的地方。

(The design of the seed-head helps the seeds of the plant to be dispersed to further distances.)

15. 农民们收割了成熟的小麦种子头,准备用于下一季的种植。

(Farmers harvested the mature wheat seed-heads, ready for planting in the next season.)

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