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时间: 2024-10-06 16:40:02


1. The sensitivity of his skin made him unable to bear the rough fabric of the sweater. (他皮肤的敏感性使他无法忍受毛衣的粗糙面料。)

2. The company takes the sensitivity of customer data very seriously and implements strict security measures. (公司非常重视客户数据的敏感性,并实施严格的安全措施。)

3. Her sensitivity to others' emotions allows her to be a compassionate and understanding friend. (她对他人情感的敏感性使她成为一个富有同情心和理解力的朋友。)

4. The artist's sensitivity to color and light is evident in her beautiful paintings. (艺术家对颜色和光线的敏感性在她美丽的画作中表现得淋漓尽致。)

5. The doctor recommended a special diet for the patient due to his sensitivity to certain foods. (医生因病人对某些食物的敏感性建议了一种特殊的饮食。)

6. The political situation required a high level of sensitivity in the diplomat's negotiations. (政治局势需要外交官在谈判中保持高度的敏感性。)

7. The movie's portrayal of mental health issues was handled with great sensitivity and empathy. (电影对心理健康问题的描绘充满了敏感性和同情心。)

8. The sensitivity of the microphone allowed it to capture even the faintest sounds in the room. (麦克风的敏感性使其能够捕捉到房间里最微弱的声音。)

9. The teacher showed sensitivity to the students' diverse backgrounds and experiences in her classroom discussions. (老师在课堂讨论中对学生不同的背景和经历表现出了敏感性。)

10. His sensitivity to injustice and inequality led him to become an advocate for social change. (他对不公正和不平等的敏感性使他成为了社会变革的倡导者。)

11. The journalist handled the sensitive information with great sensitivity, ensuring the privacy of the sources. (记者以极大的敏感性处理了敏感信息,确保了消息来源的隐私。)

12. The child's sensitivity to loud noises made them uncomfortable in crowded, noisy places. (孩子对噪音的敏感性使他们在拥挤、嘈杂的地方感到不适。)

13. The professor's sensitivity to cultural nuances enriched the discussions in the multicultural classroom. (教授对文化细微差异的敏感性丰富了多元文化课堂的讨论。)

14. The therapist approached the session with sensitivity and understanding, creating a safe space for the client to share. (治疗师以敏感性和理解力对待会话,为客户创造了一个安全的分享空间。)

15. The team leader demonstrated sensitivity to the needs of each team member, fostering a supportive and inclusive work environment. (团队领导对每个团队成员的需求表现出了敏感性,营造了一个支持性和包容性的工作环境。)

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