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时间: 2024-09-28 22:58:05


1. The red traffic light signifies that you must stop your vehicle. 这个红色交通灯表示你必须停下车辆。

2. His silence during the meeting seemed to signify his disapproval. 他在会议期间的沉默似乎表明了他的不赞成态度。

3. The handshake between the two leaders signified a new era of cooperation. 两位领导人的握手表示着新的合作时代的到来。

4. The ringing of the bell will signify the start of the ceremony. 铃声将意味着仪式的开始。

5. Her smile signified her gratitude for the kind gesture. 她的微笑表示了她对友善举动的感激。

6. The change in policy signifies a shift in the company's direction. 政策的变化意味着公司方向的转变。

7. The use of certain colors in the painting signifies different emotions. 画中某些颜色的运用表示不同的情感。

8. The symbol on the map signifies a historical landmark. 地图上的符号表示一个历史地标。

9. His sudden departure signified the end of their relationship. 他突然的离开标志着他们的关系结束了。

10. The ringing of the church bells signifies the start of the wedding ceremony. 教堂钟声表示婚礼仪式的开始。

11. The handshake between the two leaders signified a commitment to peace. 两位领导人的握手表示对和平的承诺。

12. The use of a green light in traffic signals signifies that it is safe to proceed. 交通信号灯上绿灯的使用表示可以安全通行。

13. The word "exit" in red letters signifies the way out. 红色字母的“出口”表示出口的方向。

14. Her frown signified her disapproval of the decision. 她的皱眉表示她不赞成这个决定。

15. The ringing of the bell will signify the end of the school day. 铃声将意味着放学时间的到来。

上一个 【英语】signature的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】significance的例句



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