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时间: 2024-09-28 23:03:28


1. The similarity between the two paintings was striking, with both featuring vibrant colors and bold brushstrokes.(这两幅画之间的相似之处令人印象深刻,都使用了鲜艳的色彩和大胆的笔触。)

2. There is a noticeable similarity between the two sisters, as they both have the same striking blue eyes.(这两姐妹之间有明显的相似之处,她们都有同样惹人注目的蓝色眼睛。)

3. The similarity in their tastes and interests led to an instant connection between the two strangers.(他们在品味和兴趣上的相似导致两个陌生人之间迅速建立了联系。)

4. There is a striking similarity between the architecture of the two buildings, despite being built in different time periods.(这两座建筑的建筑风格有明显的相似之处,尽管建造的时间不同。)

5. The similarity in their opinions on the matter brought them closer together as friends.(他们在这个问题上的看法相似,使他们更加亲近成为朋友。)

6. The similarity of the two songs was so apparent that it sparked a debate about potential plagiarism.(这两首歌的相似之处是如此明显,以至于引发了关于可能抄袭的争论。)

7. The similarity in their work ethic and dedication to their craft made them a formidable team.(他们工作态度和对工艺的专注度相似,使他们成为了一支强大的团队。)

8. Despite the similarity in appearance, the twin sisters had very different personalities.(尽管外貌相似,这对双胞胎姐妹的个性却截然不同。)

9. The similarity in their handwriting made it difficult to determine who had written the anonymous note.(他们笔迹的相似让人难以确定是谁写了那张匿名便条。)

10. The similarity between the two recipes was uncanny, leading to suspicions of intellectual property theft.(这两个食谱之间的相似之处令人不寒而栗,引发了对知识产权盗窃的怀疑。)

11. The similarity in their academic achievements made it challenging to distinguish between the two students.(他们学业成就的相似使得很难区分这两个学生。)

12. The similarity between the two languages allowed for a smooth translation process.(这两种语言之间的相似使得翻译过程更加顺利。)

13. The similarity in their tastes for fashion made them the best shopping companions.(他们对时尚品味的相似使他们成为了最好的购物伴侣。)

14. The similarity in their career paths led to a strong sense of camaraderie among the colleagues.(他们职业道路的相似使得同事之间建立起了深厚的情谊。)

15. The similarity in their life experiences allowed them to empathize with each other's struggles.(他们生活经历的相似使得他们能够共情对方的挣扎。)

上一个 【英语】similar的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】simultaneous的例句



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