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时间: 2024-09-28 22:54:08


Certainly! "Somniferous" means inducing sleep or drowsiness. Here are 15 example sentences with Chinese explanations:

1. The somniferous effects of the medication helped him finally get some rest. (药物的催眠效果帮助他终于休息了。)

2. The somniferous rhythm of the waves lulled her into a peaceful nap. (波浪的催眠节奏使她进入了一场宁静的小睡。)

3. The somniferous sound of rain on the roof made the afternoon perfect for sleeping. (雨声在屋顶上的催眠声使得下午非常适合睡觉。)

4. She drank a somniferous herbal tea before bedtime to help her relax. (她在睡前喝了一杯催眠的草药茶来帮助她放松。)

5. The somniferous atmosphere of the darkened room invited a deep slumber. (昏暗房间的催眠氛围促使他陷入了深沉的睡眠。)

6. The somniferous scent of lavender filled the bedroom, aiding in a restful night. (薰衣草的催眠香味充满了卧室,帮助她有一个宁静的夜晚。)

7. The somniferous effects of the warm bath relaxed her muscles and prepared her for bed. (温水浴的催眠效果放松了她的肌肉,为她准备上床睡觉。)

8. The somniferous qualities of classical music helped her unwind after a long day. (古典音乐的催眠特性帮助她在漫长的一天后放松身心。)

9. The somniferous hum of the air conditioner in the background created a soothing environment. (背景中空调的催眠嗡嗡声创造了一个舒缓的环境。)

10. The somniferous effects of the tranquilizer allowed the patient to sleep through the night. (镇静剂的催眠效果使得病人整夜都能睡着。)

11. The somniferous properties of chamomile tea are well-known for promoting relaxation. (甘菊茶的催眠特性以促进放松而闻名。)

12. The somniferous quality of the movie made it perfect for a lazy Sunday afternoon. (电影的催眠品质使得它非常适合懒洋洋的星期日下午。)

13. The somniferous drone of bees buzzing in the garden added to the peaceful ambiance. (花园里蜜蜂嗡嗡声的催眠嗡鸣增添了宁静的氛围。)

14. The somniferous effect of the warm milk helped the child fall asleep quickly. (温牛奶的催眠效果帮助孩子迅速入睡。)

15. The somniferous nature of the bedtime story lulled the children into a gentle slumber. (睡前故事的催眠性质使得孩子们进入了温和的睡眠。)


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