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时间: 2024-09-28 23:01:02


1. I specialize in graphic design and branding for small businesses.(我专门从事小型企业的平面设计和品牌推广。)

2. The doctor chose to specialize in pediatric oncology.(这位医生选择专攻儿童肿瘤学。)

3. Our company specializes in custom software development.(我们公司专门从事定制软件开发。)

4. She decided to specialize in environmental law after completing her degree.(她在完成学业后决定专攻环境法律。)

5. The restaurant specializes in authentic Italian cuisine.(这家餐厅专门供应正宗的意大利美食。)

6. He specializes in repairing vintage cars.(他专门修复老式汽车。)

7. The college offers programs that allow students to specialize in various areas of engineering.(这所学院提供专攻工程学各个领域的课程。)

8. The boutique specializes in handmade jewelry.(这家精品店专门销售手工珠宝。)

9. She decided to specialize in neurology during her medical residency.(她在医学住院医师阶段决定专攻神经病学。)

10. The company specializes in importing exotic spices from around the world.(这家公司专门进口来自世界各地的异国香料。)

11. The university has a program that allows students to specialize in marine biology.(这所大学有一个专门让学生专攻海洋生物学的项目。)

12. As a chef, I specialize in fusion cuisine that blends different culinary traditions.(作为一名厨师,我专门擅长融合不同烹饪传统的美食。)

13. The shop specializes in vintage clothing and accessories.(这家店专门售卖复古服饰和配饰。)

14. After completing her law degree, she decided to specialize in intellectual property law.(在完成法律学位后,她决定专攻知识产权法。)

15. The company specializes in eco-friendly cleaning products.(这家公司专门生产环保清洁产品。)

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