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时间: 2024-09-28 22:57:50



1. The spindly legs of the newborn deer trembled as it tried to stand for the first time. (刚出生的小鹿试图站立时,细长的腿颤抖着。)

2. He gingerly reached for the spindly branch, unsure if it would support his weight. (他小心翼翼地伸手去够那根细长的树枝,不确定它是否能承受他的重量。)

3. The spider spun a delicate web from spindly threads. (蜘蛛用细长的丝线织出了一张精致的网。)

4. The old chair had spindly arms that creaked when anyone leaned on them. (那把老椅子有着细长的扶手,每当有人靠在上面时都会发出咯吱咯吱的声音。)

5. She carefully pruned the spindly shoots from the tomato plants to encourage stronger growth. (她小心地修剪了番茄植物上的细长新芽,以促进更强壮的生长。)

6. The spindly tree struggled to withstand the strong winds of the storm. (那棵细长的树艰难地抵挡住了风暴的狂风。)

7. The artist used a spindly brush to create fine details in the painting. (艺术家用细长的画笔在画作中创造出精细的细节。)

8. The table had spindly legs that made it unstable on uneven ground. (桌子有着细长的腿,使它在不平整的地面上显得不稳定。)

9. The spindly antennae of the insect twitched as it searched for food. (昆虫的细长触角在寻找食物时抽动着。)

10. She wrapped herself in a blanket, feeling the cold air seep through the spindly cracks in the window frame. (她裹着毯子,感受到冷风从窗框的细缝中渗入。)

11. The spindly outline of the distant tower was barely visible in the mist. (远处塔楼细长的轮廓在薄雾中几乎看不见。)

12. He struggled to open the spindly lock on the old chest. (他费力地打开了那个古老箱子上细长的锁。)

13. The plant grew tall but spindly, lacking the robustness needed to thrive. (这棵植物长得很高,但是细长,缺乏茁壮成长所需的健壮性。)

14. The bird perched delicately on a spindly branch, its feathers ruffling in the breeze. (鸟儿轻巧地栖息在一根细长的树枝上,羽毛在微风中轻轻飘动。)

15. They found an old, spindly ladder in the shed, barely sturdy enough to climb to the attic. (他们在小屋里找到了一把古老而细长的梯子,勉强结实到足以爬到阁楼。)


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