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时间: 2024-09-10 07:29:39


Certainly! Here are 15 example sentences with explanations in Chinese for "suburbanite":

1. She's a typical suburbanite, commuting into the city for work each day.

- 她是典型的郊区居民,每天通勤到市区上班。

2. Suburbanites often enjoy larger homes and quieter neighborhoods compared to city dwellers.

- 与城市居民相比,郊区居民通常享有更大的住宅和更安静的社区。

3. The new shopping mall was built to cater to the needs of suburbanites.

- 这个新购物中心是为了满足郊区居民的需求而建立的。

4. Many suburbanites prefer to raise their children away from the hustle and bustle of the city.

- 许多郊区居民更喜欢把孩子养在远离城市喧嚣的地方。

5. As a suburbanite, she finds the pace of life more relaxed compared to city living.

- 作为一个郊区居民,她觉得生活节奏比起城市更放松。

6. The local park is a favorite gathering spot for suburbanites on weekends.

- 当地公园是周末郊区居民最喜欢聚集的地方。

7. Suburbanites often face longer commutes but enjoy a more peaceful environment.

- 郊区居民通常需要更长的通勤时间,但享受更宁静的环境。

8. She's adjusting to life as a suburbanite after years of living in the city.

- 在城市生活多年后,她正在适应郊区居民的生活。

9. Suburbanites tend to have more space for gardens and outdoor activities.

- 郊区居民通常有更多的空间用于花园和户外活动。

10. Living costs can be lower for suburbanites compared to urban residents.

- 与城市居民相比,郊区居民的生活成本可能更低。

11. She enjoys the community spirit among suburbanites in her neighborhood.

- 她喜欢她所在社区郊区居民之间的社区精神。

12. Suburbanites often organize block parties to strengthen community bonds.

- 郊区居民经常组织社区聚会来加强社区的联系。

13. He moved to the suburbs and became a suburbanite after retiring from his city job.

- 他从城市的工作退休后搬到郊区,成为了一名郊区居民。

14. The suburbanite lifestyle appeals to many who seek a quieter existence.

- 郊区居民的生活方式吸引了许多寻求更宁静生活的人。

15. Suburbanites often rely on cars for transportation due to limited public transit options.

- 由于公共交通选择有限,郊区居民通常依赖汽车出行。


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