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时间: 2024-09-28 22:57:43


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using "supersede" along with their Chinese translations:

1. New technologies often supersede older ones in the fast-paced world of electronics. (新技术常常在电子领域这个快速变化的世界中取代老技术。)

2. The new law will supersede the existing regulations regarding building heights. (新法律将取代现行的关于建筑高度的规定。)

3. This updated edition of the dictionary will supersede all previous editions. (这个更新的词典版将取代所有以前的版本。)

4. The court's decision to overturn the lower court's ruling will supersede the previous judgment. (法院推翻下级法院的裁决将取代先前的判决。)

5. In some cultures, modern medicine is beginning to supersede traditional remedies. (在某些文化中,现代医学开始取代传统疗法。)

6. The new software update will supersede the current version, fixing several bugs. (新的软件更新将取代当前版本,修复了几个漏洞。)

7. The new policy will supersede the outdated guidelines that were previously in place. (新政策将取代先前执行的过时指导方针。)

8. As digital books become more popular, they are beginning to supersede printed books in many households. (随着数字书籍变得越来越受欢迎,在许多家庭中开始取代印刷书籍。)

9. The CEO's decision to merge the two departments will supersede the previous organizational structure. (首席执行官决定合并这两个部门,将取代先前的组织结构。)

10. The updated protocol will supersede the old one, enhancing security measures. (更新后的协议将取代旧协议,增强安全措施。)

11. Modern theories of physics have superseded the classical Newtonian mechanics in many areas. (现代物理学理论在许多领域已经超越了经典的牛顿力学。)

12. The new treaty will supersede the outdated agreements that were signed decades ago. (新条约将取代几十年前签订的过时协议。)

13. The company's innovative approach could potentially supersede competitors in the market. (公司的创新方法有可能在市场上超越竞争对手。)

14. The revised curriculum will supersede the old one starting next semester. (修订后的课程表将从下个学期开始取代旧课程表。)

15. Over time, digital photography has superseded traditional film photography for most amateur photographers. (随着时间的推移,对大多数业余摄影师来说,数码摄影已经取代了传统胶片摄影。)

Hope these examples help clarify the usage of "supersede" in various contexts!

上一个 【英语】superintend的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】susceptive的例句



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