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时间: 2024-09-20 09:57:26



1. Tardigrades are known for their ability to survive extreme conditions such as space travel. (水熊虫因其能在极端条件下生存,如太空旅行而闻名。)

2. Scientists study tardigrades to understand their unique resilience. (科学家研究水熊虫以理解它们独特的适应能力。)

3. Tardigrades can enter a state of cryptobiosis to survive desiccation. (水熊虫可以进入一种隐睾状态以在干旱中生存。)

4. Researchers are investigating the genetic makeup of tardigrades to uncover their survival secrets. (研究人员正在调查水熊虫的基因组以揭示其生存秘密。)

5. Water bears, another name for tardigrades, are among the hardiest creatures on Earth. (水熊虫,另一种称呼为水熊虫,是地球上最顽强的生物之一。)

6. Tardigrades can withstand high levels of radiation that would be lethal to most other organisms. (水熊虫可以承受对大多数其他生物致命的高辐射水平。)

7. Some tardigrades have been revived after being frozen for decades. (有些水熊虫经过数十年的冰冻后得以复活。)

8. The tardigrade's ability to repair its own DNA is remarkable. (水熊虫修复自身DNA的能力令人瞩目。)

9. Tardigrades have been found in some of the most extreme environments on Earth, from hot springs to the deep sea. (水熊虫已在地球上一些最极端的环境中发现,从温泉到深海。)

10. Scientists hope to apply tardigrade genes to enhance the resilience of crops against environmental stress. (科学家希望应用水熊虫基因增强作物对环境压力的抵抗力。)

11. Tardigrades have been the subject of scientific research for their potential applications in biotechnology. (水熊虫因其在生物技术中的潜在应用而成为科学研究的对象。)

12. The tardigrade's ability to survive extreme heat makes it a subject of interest for astrobiologists studying life on other planets. (水熊虫在极端高温下生存的能力使其成为天体生物学家研究其他行星生命的对象。)

13. Tardigrades are microscopic organisms that live in a variety of environments, from mosses to the ocean floor. (水熊虫是生活在各种环境中的微生物,从苔藓到海洋底部。)

14. The resilience of tardigrades inspires scientists to explore new frontiers in biological research. (水熊虫的适应能力激励科学家探索生物研究的新领域。)

15. The study of tardigrades continues to uncover new aspects of their biology and survival strategies. (水熊虫的研究不断揭示其生物学和生存策略的新方面。)


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