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时间: 2024-09-18 20:09:07


1. He gave the movie a thumbs-up, indicating that he really enjoyed it. (他竖起大拇指表示他真的很喜欢这部电影。)

2. She accidentally slammed her thumb in the car door, causing a lot of pain. (她不小心把大拇指夹在车门里,引起了很大的疼痛。)

3. The child sucked his thumb for comfort when he was feeling anxious. (这个孩子感到焦虑时舔着他的大拇指寻求安慰。)

4. The new smartphone has a fingerprint scanner built into the thumb rest for added security. (新款智能手机在拇指放置处内置了指纹扫描仪,增加了安全性。)

5. She hitchhiked by sticking out her thumb to signal passing drivers. (她举起大拇指示意过往的司机搭便车。)

6. He thumbed through the pages of the book, looking for a specific passage. (他翻阅着书页,寻找特定的段落。)

7. The thumb of the glove was worn out from constant use. (手套的拇指部分因为频繁使用而磨损了。)

8. The suspect left a thumbprint at the crime scene, which helped the police identify him. (嫌疑人在犯罪现场留下了指纹,帮助警方确认了他的身份。)

9. She thumbed a ride to the nearest town after her car broke down. (她因为车坏了,搭便车去了最近的镇子。)

10. The mechanic gave the engine a thumbs-up after repairing it. (修理后,机械师竖起大拇指表示引擎修好了。)

11. He thumbed his nose at the rules and did whatever he wanted. (他对规则不屑一顾,随心所欲。)

12. She pressed her thumb against the screen to unlock her phone using the fingerprint scanner. (她用手指按在屏幕上,通过指纹扫描仪解锁手机。)

13. The baby's tiny thumb was wrapped tightly in the blanket as she slept. (宝宝熟睡时,小小的大拇指被毯子紧紧包裹着。)

14. He thumbed his way through the travel guide to find the best restaurants in the city. (他翻阅旅行指南,找到城市里最好的餐馆。)

15. The thumbtack was stuck in the bulletin board, holding up a note. (图钉插在公告板上,固定了一张便条。)

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