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时间: 2024-09-19 19:46:19


1. Today is a beautiful day for a picnic in the park. 今天是一个适合在公园野餐的美好日子。

2. I have a lot of work to do today, so I won't be able to meet you for lunch. 今天我有很多工作要做,所以无法和你一起吃午饭。

3. Today's meeting has been canceled due to the CEO's sudden illness. 由于CEO突然生病,今天的会议已经取消了。

4. Today, I finally finished reading that book I've been meaning to get to. 今天,我终于完成了我一直想读的那本书。

5. Today marks the anniversary of our first date. 今天是我们第一次约会的纪念日。

6. Today's weather forecast predicts heavy rain and thunderstorms in the evening. 今天的天气预报预测晚上会有大雨和雷暴。

7. I'm feeling really motivated and productive today. 今天我感觉非常有动力和高效。

8. Today, I realized how much I miss my family back home. 今天我意识到我有多么想念家里的家人。

9. Today's newspaper headline is about the latest political scandal. 今天的报纸头条是关于最新的政治丑闻。

10. I'm going to try a new recipe for dinner today. 今天晚饭我要尝试一个新的食谱。

11. I received a promotion at work today, and I couldn't be happier. 今天我在工作中获得了晋升,我感到非常开心。

12. Today's traffic was terrible, and I was late for my appointment. 今天的交通非常糟糕,我迟到了我的约会。

13. Today's class was really interesting, we learned about ancient civilizations. 今天的课非常有趣,我们学习了古代文明。

14. I'm going to start my new exercise routine today to get in shape. 今天我要开始我的新锻炼计划,以保持身材。

15. Today, I am grateful for all the blessings in my life. 今天,我对生活中的一切祝福心存感激。

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