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时间: 2024-09-20 11:03:24



1. The food was barely tolerable after sitting out all day in the sun. (食物在阳光下放了一整天后,勉强能接受。)

2. His behavior at the party was barely tolerable. (他在派对上的行为勉强能忍受。)

3. The pain was tolerable with the medication. (通过药物治疗后,疼痛可以忍受。)

4. The noise from the construction site was barely tolerable. (建筑工地传来的噪音勉强能容忍。)

5. She found the commute to work tolerable despite the traffic. (尽管交通拥堵,她觉得通勤上班还算能忍受。)

6. The accommodations were just tolerable for such a long trip. (对于如此长的旅行来说,住宿条件勉强能接受。)

7. The price of the car was high but tolerable considering its features. (考虑到其特点,这辆车的价格虽高但还能接受。)

8. The wait time at the restaurant was barely tolerable. (在餐馆等待的时间勉强能忍受。)

9. The workload was tolerable until the busy season hit. (工作量在旺季到来之前还能忍受。)

10. The movie was tolerable, but not particularly memorable. (这部电影还能看,但并没有特别令人难忘。)

11. The weather was barely tolerable for outdoor activities. (天气勉强能适合户外活动。)

12. His jokes were barely tolerable after hearing them all night. (整晚听下来,他的笑话勉强还能接受。)

13. The team's performance was tolerable given the circumstances. (考虑到情况,团队的表现还能接受。)

14. The service at the hotel was just tolerable enough for a one-night stay. (酒店的服务勉强能满足一晚住宿的需求。)

15. The conditions in the refugee camp were barely tolerable. (难民营里的条件勉强能忍受。)


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