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时间: 2024-10-05 20:47:31


Certainly! Here are 15 example sentences using "tortuous," along with their Chinese explanations:

1. The mountain road was so tortuous that it took hours to drive through. (山路曲折,开车需要好几个小时。)

2. His argument followed a tortuous path, making it difficult to understand his point. (他的论点纷繁复杂,让人很难理解他的观点。)

3. The legal process for obtaining a patent can be quite tortuous. (申请专利的法律流程可能非常复杂。)

4. She navigated the tortuous maze of bureaucracy to get the necessary permits. (她在繁琐的官僚机构中努力寻找必要的许可证。)

5. The river flowed in a tortuous path through the canyon. (河流在峡谷中蜿蜒流淌。)

6. The relationship between the two countries has followed a tortuous course over the years. (这两个国家的关系多年来走过了曲折的道路。)

7. Her novel explores the tortuous depths of human emotions. (她的小说探索了人类情感的曲折深处。)

8. The investigation into the scandal took a tortuous route before reaching its conclusion. (调查丑闻的过程曲折复杂,最终才得出结论。)

9. The negotiations were long and tortuous, but finally a compromise was reached. (谈判漫长而曲折,但最终达成了妥协。)

10. The patient's road to recovery was long and tortuous, with many setbacks along the way. (病人的康复道路曲折漫长,中间经历了许多挫折。)

11. The company faced a tortuous path to regain public trust after the scandal. (公司在丑闻之后面临一条漫长曲折的道路来重建公众信任。)

12. His speech was filled with tortuous reasoning that few could follow. (他的演讲充斥着复杂的推理,很少有人能够理解。)

13. The plot of the mystery novel was so tortuous that readers couldn't predict the ending. (这部悬疑小说的情节错综复杂,读者无法预料结局。)

14. Overcoming his addiction was a tortuous process that required years of effort. (克服他的瘾癖是一个漫长而艰难的过程,需要多年的努力。)

15. The artist's creative journey was tortuous but ultimately rewarding. (艺术家的创作之路曲折坎坷,但最终是值得的。)


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