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时间: 2024-09-20 01:06:12


1. She could hear the heavy tread of footsteps approaching.(她能听到沉重的脚步声接近)

2. Be careful not to tread on the flowers in the garden.(小心别踩到花园里的花)

3. The horse's tread echoed in the quiet street.(马蹄声在宁静的街道上回荡)

4. He treaded carefully through the dark and unfamiliar forest.(他小心翼翼地穿过黑暗而陌生的森林)

5. The cat's soft tread could barely be heard as it crept closer.(猫咪轻柔的脚步声几乎听不见,它悄悄地靠近了)

6. The tread on these shoes provides excellent grip on slippery surfaces.(这双鞋的鞋底在湿滑的表面上提供了出色的抓地力)

7. Soldiers' heavy tread could be felt through the ground as they marched.(士兵们的沉重脚步声在他们行进时能通过地面感受到)

8. The tread of the tire left a distinct pattern in the mud.(轮胎的胎纹在泥泞中留下了明显的图案)

9. The tread of the carpet was soft and plush under her feet.(地毯的织物质地在她的脚下柔软而豪华)

10. He treaded water for hours before help arrived.(他在水中浮躁了几个小时,直到有人来救他)

11. She could feel the tread of the cat as it walked across her lap.(她可以感觉到猫咪在她腿上走过的脚步)

12. The tread on the staircase was worn down from years of use.(楼梯的台阶因多年的使用而磨损)

13. The tread of the new tires made the car ride much smoother.(新轮胎的胎纹使车辆行驶更加平稳)

14. He treaded on thin ice, knowing that one wrong step could be dangerous.(他在薄冰上行走,知道一步错可能会很危险)

15. The tread of the old factory echoed with the memories of its former workers.(老工厂的地面回荡着曾经工人们的记忆)


1. 脚步声,行走的脚步声

2. 踩,踏,行走

3. 鞋底,轮胎胎面

4. 踩踏,行走

5. 踩水,涉水

6. (轮胎的)胎纹

7. 重踩,重压

8. 脚踏,台阶

9. 踩踏,踩在…上

10. 踩水

11. 踩,踏

12. 踩踏,踩在…上

13. 胎纹

14. 踩踏,踩在…上

15. (鞋、轮胎等的)胎纹

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