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时间: 2024-09-20 01:12:36


1. The tribal chief led the community in a traditional dance to celebrate the harvest.(部落酋长带领社区进行传统舞蹈庆祝丰收。)

2. The tribal elders gathered to discuss important matters affecting their community.(部落长老们聚集讨论影响他们社区的重要事项。)

3. The tribal customs and traditions have been passed down for generations.(部落的习俗和传统代代相传。)

4. The tribal council made decisions that impacted the entire community.(部落议会做出了影响整个社区的决定。)

5. The tribal people relied on hunting and gathering for their sustenance.(部落人民依靠狩猎和采集维持生计。)

6. The tribal art and craftsmanship reflected the cultural heritage of the community.(部落的艺术和工艺品反映了社区的文化遗产。)

7. The tribal language is an integral part of their identity and heritage.(部落语言是他们身份和遗产的重要组成部分。)

8. The tribal conflicts often arose from disputes over land and resources.(部落冲突往往源自对土地和资源的争端。)

9. The tribal rituals and ceremonies were performed to honor their ancestors.(部落的仪式和典礼是为了纪念他们的祖先。)

10. The tribal leaders worked together to ensure the well-being of their people.(部落领袖们共同努力确保部落人民的福祉。)

11. The tribal community lived in harmony with nature, respecting the balance of the ecosystem.(部落社区与自然和谐共处,尊重生态系统的平衡。)

12. The tribal history is filled with tales of bravery and resilience in the face of adversity.(部落历史充满了在逆境中的勇气和坚韧的故事。)

13. The tribal members gathered around the fire to share stories and pass down oral traditions.(部落成员围坐在篝火旁分享故事,传承口头传统。)

14. The tribal leader was known for his wisdom and guidance in times of crisis.(部落领袖以其在危机时期的智慧和指导而闻名。)

15. The tribal community celebrated their unity and solidarity during the annual festival.(部落社区在年度节日期间庆祝他们的团结和团结。)

上一个 【英语】triangular的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】tribe的例句



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