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时间: 2024-09-28 23:02:43


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using the word "underling" along with their Chinese translations:

1. The CEO rarely interacted directly with the underlings in the company hierarchy.

- CEO很少直接与公司层级中的下属互动。

2. The underlings were responsible for carrying out the day-to-day operations of the factory.

- 下属们负责执行工厂的日常运营。

3. He treated his underlings with disdain, never acknowledging their contributions.

- 他鄙视他的下属,从不承认他们的贡献。

4. The underling hesitated before speaking up in the meeting.

- 下属在会议上犹豫了一下才开口。

5. The underlings were eager to impress their supervisors with their hard work.

- 下属们急于通过他们的努力给主管留下好印象。

6. She knew she had to earn the respect of her underlings through fairness and competence.

- 她知道她必须通过公平和能力赢得下属们的尊重。

7. The underlings gathered in the conference room to receive their assignments for the day.

- 下属们聚集在会议室里接收他们当天的任务。

8. The supervisor delegated the task to his underlings, trusting them to handle it efficiently.

- 主管把任务委托给了他的下属,相信他们能有效地处理。

9. The underlings complained quietly among themselves about the new policies.

- 下属们私下里对新政策抱怨不已。

10. The underlings were overjoyed when their hard work was recognized during the annual review.

- 下属们在年度审查时他们的辛勤工作得到认可时感到非常高兴。

11. The manager's harsh treatment of his underlings created a tense work environment.

- 经理对下属们的苛刻对待造成了紧张的工作环境。

12. She was promoted from underling to team leader within a year due to her exceptional performance.

- 由于她的出色表现,她在一年内从下属被提升为团队领导。

13. The underlings worked diligently to meet the deadline set by their client.

- 下属们努力工作以满足客户设定的截止日期。

14. The underlings were excited to hear about the upcoming company retreat.

- 下属们听说即将举行的公司撤退时感到兴奋。

15. Despite being just an underling, he took initiative and proposed a cost-saving idea.

- 尽管只是一个下属,他主动提出了一个节约成本的想法。


上一个 【英语】undersea的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】underclothing的例句



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