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时间: 2024-09-10 07:22:24


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using "upbound" with their Chinese explanations:

1. The ship was upbound on the river, heading towards the port. (这艘船沿河向上游驶向港口。)

2. The upbound train was delayed due to track maintenance. (向上行驶的火车因轨道维修而延误。)

3. We observed several upbound vessels on the radar. (我们在雷达上观察到几艘上行船只。)

4. The upbound traffic was heavier than usual this morning. (今天早晨上行交通比平常要拥挤。)

5. The upbound lane of the highway was closed for construction. (高速公路的上行车道因施工而关闭。)

6. Freighters were upbound carrying cargo to the northern ports. (货轮向上行驶,运载货物到北方港口。)

7. The captain announced that we were upbound and expected to arrive by evening. (船长宣布我们正在上行,并预计傍晚抵达。)

8. The upbound flight was smooth despite the weather forecast. (尽管天气预报不佳,上行航班飞行顺利。)

9. Upbound traffic was temporarily halted due to an accident on the bridge. (由于桥上发生事故,上行交通暂时停止。)

10. The upbound stream was stronger than we anticipated, slowing our progress. (上游的水流比预期的强,减缓了我们的前进速度。)

11. Upbound ships must navigate carefully through the narrow channel. (上行船只必须在狭窄的航道上小心航行。)

12. The upbound train departed from the station precisely on time. (上行列车准时从车站出发。)

13. We encountered several upbound hikers on the trail yesterday. (昨天我们在小径上遇到了几个上行的徒步者。)

14. The upbound elevator arrived at our floor, and we entered. (上行电梯到达我们的楼层,我们进去了。)

15. During peak hours, upbound commuters faced longer wait times for buses. (高峰时段,上行通勤者等待公交车的时间更长。)


上一个 【英语】upturn的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】upfront的例句



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