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时间: 2024-10-06 20:07:22


Certainly! 这里有关于“villain”(反派角色、恶棍)的15个例句及其中文解释:

1. He plays the villain in the new movie, terrorizing the city with his evil plans. (他在新电影中扮演反派角色,用他邪恶的计划恐吓城市。)

2. The novel's villain schemes to overthrow the kingdom and seize power for himself. (小说中的反派角色策划推翻王国,夺取权力。)

3. The villain's ruthless actions throughout the story make him a truly despised character. (整个故事中反派角色的无情行为使他成为一个真正被鄙视的角色。)

4. In the end, justice prevails and the villain is brought to justice for his crimes. (最终,正义战胜邪恶,反派角色因其罪行被绳之以法。)

5. She didn't realize he was the villain until it was almost too late. (她几乎太晚才意识到他是个恶棍。)

6. The villain's diabolical laughter echoed through the empty halls of the castle. (反派角色的邪恶笑声在城堡空荡荡的大厅里回响。)

7. His deceptive charm masked the true intentions of the villain lurking within. (他的欺骗性魅力掩盖了潜伏在内心深处的反派角色的真实意图。)

8. The villain's downfall was inevitable once his plans were exposed to the public. (一旦反派角色的计划被公之于众,他的失败是不可避免的。)

9. Throughout history, literature has been filled with memorable villains who challenge the heroes. (在历史上,文学作品中充满了那些令人难忘的反派角色,他们挑战着英雄。)

10. The villain's charismatic personality drew unsuspecting victims into his web of deceit. (反派角色迷人的个性将毫不知情的受害者牵扯进他的欺骗之网。)

11. The villain's henchmen carried out his sinister orders without question. (反派角色的手下毫不犹豫地执行他邪恶的命令。)

12. Despite his outward charm, there was a darkness in him that revealed his true nature as a villain. (尽管他表面上很有魅力,但他内心的黑暗揭示了他作为反派角色的真实本质。)

13. The villain's ultimate goal was to destroy everything the hero held dear. (反派角色的最终目标是摧毁英雄心中珍视的一切。)

14. The villain's origin story shed light on what drove him to become so malicious. (反派角色的起源故事揭示了是什么驱使他变得如此恶毒。)

15. The playwright crafted a complex villain who elicited both fear and fascination from the audience. (剧作家塑造了一个复杂的反派角色,既让观众感到恐惧,又引发了他们的兴趣。)


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