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时间: 2024-10-05 20:49:26


1. She wrapped a belt around her waist to accentuate her figure.(她在腰间系了一条腰带,突出了她的身材。)

2. The dress was cinched at the waist, creating a flattering silhouette.(这件裙子在腰部收紧,塑造出了迷人的轮廓。)

3. He suffered a back injury from lifting heavy weights without engaging his core muscles in the waist.(他因为抬重物时没有运用腰部核心肌肉而受伤了。)

4. The tailor took measurements for the waist of the trousers to ensure a perfect fit.(裁缝为裤子的腰围量了尺寸,确保完美合身。)

5. She wore a corset to achieve a smaller waist for a Victorian-themed party.(她穿着紧身衣,为了维多利亚主题派对上展现出更小的腰围。)

6. The waist of the skirt was elasticated for added comfort.(裙子的腰部是有弹性的,更加舒适。)

7. He put his hands on his waist, looking stern and authoritative.(他双手叉腰,看起来严肃而有权威。)

8. The waist of the river meandered through the valley, creating a picturesque scene.(河流的腰部蜿蜒穿过山谷,形成了一幅风景如画的景色。)

9. She felt a sharp pain in her waist after lifting the heavy box.(她抬起沉重的箱子后感到腰部一阵剧痛。)

10. The dress had a high waistline, giving the illusion of longer legs.(这件裙子的腰线高,营造出了腿部更长的幻觉。)

11. He wore a waistcoat over his shirt for a more formal look.(他在衬衫外穿了一件马甲,显得更加正式。)

12. The doctor advised her to strengthen her waist muscles to alleviate her lower back pain.(医生建议她加强腰部肌肉,以减轻她的腰痛。)

13. She tied her sweater around her waist when the weather warmed up.(天气变暖时,她把毛衣系在腰间。)

14. The waist of the pants was too tight, making it uncomfortable to sit down.(裤子的腰部太紧,坐下来很不舒服。)

15. The waistband of the skirt dug into her skin, leaving a red mark.(裙子的腰带勒得她的皮肤,留下了一道红印。)

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