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时间: 2024-09-28 23:04:33


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using "warlike," each followed by a Chinese explanation:

1. The tribe's history is marked by a warlike culture that emphasized strength and conquest.(这个部落的历史被战争文化所标记,强调力量和征服。)

2. The army's warlike demeanor struck fear into the hearts of their enemies.(军队的战争气氛使敌人胆战心惊。)

3. Despite his peaceful intentions, his words sometimes took on a warlike tone.(尽管他有和平的意图,但他的言辞有时带有战争的口吻。)

4. The warlike nature of the conflict led to widespread devastation.(冲突的战争本质导致了广泛的破坏。)

5. Their society was structured around warlike pursuits, with warriors held in high regard.(他们的社会围绕着战争追求展开,战士们受到高度尊敬。)

6. The warlike tribes clashed over territorial boundaries for generations.(这些好战部落几代人因领土边界而发生冲突。)

7. His warlike tendencies often led to confrontations with his peers.(他好战的倾向常常导致与同龄人的对抗。)

8. The warlike atmosphere pervading the region made negotiations difficult.(弥漫在该地区的战争气氛使谈判变得困难。)

9. The ruler's warlike policies expanded the empire's borders but strained resources.(统治者的好战政策扩展了帝国的边界,但也耗尽了资源。)

10. Despite their warlike history, they eventually embraced diplomacy as a means to resolve conflicts.(尽管有着好战的历史,他们最终接受了外交作为解决冲突的手段。)

11. The warlike fervor of the crowd grew as they awaited the outcome of the battle.(等待战斗结果时,人群中的战争热情逐渐增长。)

12. Her warlike demeanor softened after she witnessed the suffering caused by conflict.(在目睹了冲突带来的苦难后,她的战争气息有所减弱。)

13. The warlike culture of the past gave way to a more peaceful era of cooperation.(过去的战争文化让位于更加和平的合作时代。)

14. The warlike chants of the warriors echoed through the valley before the battle.(战士们的战争吟唱在战斗前在山谷中回荡。)

15. His warlike spirit was tempered by wisdom gained through experience.(通过经验获得的智慧使他的好战精神得到了调和。)


上一个 【英语】vicelike的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】birdling的例句



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