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时间: 2024-09-17 13:09:41


1. The police obtained a search warrant to enter the suspect's home.(警方获得了搜查令,以进入嫌疑人的家中。)

2. The judge issued a warrant for the arrest of the fugitive.(法官下令逮捕逃犯。)

3. The company issued a warrant to its shareholders allowing them to purchase additional shares at a discounted price.(公司向股东发行了权证,允许他们以折扣价购买更多股份。)

4. The evidence presented in court did not provide a sufficient warrant for conviction.(在法庭上呈交的证据并没有足够的理由来判决有罪。)

5. The detective had a warrant to wiretap the suspect's phone conversations.(侦探有权窃听嫌疑人的电话对话。)

6. The company's strong financial performance warranted a higher stock price.(公司强劲的财务表现使得股价有望上涨。)

7. The professor's extensive research in the field warranted her appointment as department chair.(教授在该领域的广泛研究使她获得了系主任的任命。)

8. The suspect's erratic behavior warranted further investigation by the police.(嫌疑人的反常行为使得警方有必要进行进一步调查。)

9. The warranty on the new car covers repairs for up to five years.(新车的保修期为五年,包括维修费用。)

10. The company offers a lifetime warranty on its products.(该公司对其产品提供终身保修。)

11. The warranty explicitly states that any modifications to the product will void the warranty.(保修条款明确规定,对产品进行任何修改都将使保修失效。)

12. The product did not meet the quality standards as warranted by the manufacturer.(该产品未达到制造商所保证的质量标准。)

13. The suspect's previous criminal record warranted closer scrutiny by the police.(嫌疑人的前科使警方有必要对其进行更严格的审查。)

14. The company's financial statements warranted an investigation into possible fraud.(公司的财务报表使得有必要对可能的欺诈行为进行调查。)

15. The witness's testimony provided a strong warrant for the defendant's innocence.(证人的证词为被告的清白提供了强有力的依据。)

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