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时间: 2024-09-28 23:03:28


Certainly! "Weakling" means a person who is physically or emotionally weak. Here are 15 example sentences with Chinese explanations:

1. He was always picked on at school for being a weakling.

- 他在学校总是因为软弱而被取笑。

2. The bullies targeted the weaklings in the group.

- 恶霸们针对的是团体中的软弱者。

3. She felt like a weakling compared to her athletic friends.

- 和她那些运动型朋友相比,她感到自己是个软弱者。

4. The character in the story is portrayed as a weakling who overcomes his fears.

- 故事中的角色被描绘为一个战胜恐惧的软弱者。

5. He resented being labeled as a weakling just because he was smaller than the others.

- 他讨厌被贴上软弱者的标签,仅仅因为他比其他人个子小。

6. Despite his appearance, he was no weakling when it came to mental strength.

- 尽管他外表看起来如此,但在精神力量方面他并不软弱。

7. The coach pushed the team hard to toughen up the weaklings.

- 教练对团队进行了严格的训练,以磨练软弱的队员。

8. She refused to be seen as a weakling and fought back against the unfair treatment.

- 她拒绝被视为软弱者,并且反击不公平的待遇。

9. The weaklings were often excluded from the group activities.

- 软弱者经常被排除在团体活动之外。

10. He was tired of being underestimated just because he wasn't the strongest—he was no weakling.

- 他厌倦了因为不是最强壮而被低估,他可不是软弱者。

11. The weaklings in the herd were vulnerable to predators.

- 群体中的软弱者容易受到捕食者的威胁。

12. They believed that showing emotion made them appear weaklings in the eyes of their peers.

- 他们认为在同龄人眼中流露情感会使他们显得像软弱者。

13. The weaklings of the plant species often fall prey to harsh weather conditions.

- 这种植物的软弱种类经常成为恶劣天气条件的牺牲品。

14. He despised the label of weakling and worked hard to prove himself.

- 他厌恶被贴上软弱者的标签,并努力证明自己。

15. Despite being labeled a weakling, she showed incredible resilience during the crisis.

- 尽管被贴上软弱者的标签,她在危机期间展现了令人难以置信的韧性。


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