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时间: 2024-09-10 03:14:53


1. The Westerner was fascinated by the vibrant culture and traditions of the East. (这个西方人对东方的充满活力的文化和传统着迷。)

2. The Westerner was surprised by the spicy flavors of the local cuisine. (这个西方人对当地菜肴的辛辣口味感到惊讶。)

3. The Westerner struggled to adapt to the hot and humid climate of the tropical country. (这个西方人很难适应热带国家的炎热潮湿的气候。)

4. The Westerner was impressed by the efficiency and punctuality of the public transportation system. (这个西方人对公共交通系统的高效率和准时感到印象深刻。)

5. The Westerner found it difficult to communicate with the locals due to the language barrier. (这个西方人由于语言障碍而很难与当地人沟通。)

6. The Westerner was intrigued by the ancient architecture and historical landmarks. (这个西方人对古老的建筑和历史地标感到好奇。)

7. The Westerner was amazed by the hospitality and warmth of the local people. (这个西方人对当地人的好客和热情感到惊讶。)

8. The Westerner was shocked by the poverty and inequality he witnessed in the developing country. (这个西方人对他在发展中国家目睹的贫困和不平等感到震惊。)

9. The Westerner struggled to adjust to the conservative social norms and customs of the country. (这个西方人很难适应该国家的保守社会规范和习俗。)

10. The Westerner admired the natural beauty and breathtaking landscapes of the country. (这个西方人欣赏该国的自然美景和令人叹为观止的风景。)

11. The Westerner was fascinated by the traditional music and dance performances. (这个西方人对传统音乐和舞蹈表演感到着迷。)

12. The Westerner was surprised by the lack of personal space and privacy in crowded cities. (这个西方人对拥挤城市中缺乏个人空间和隐私感到惊讶。)

13. The Westerner was impressed by the emphasis on family values and respect for elders. (这个西方人对家庭价值观和尊重长辈的强调感到印象深刻。)

14. The Westerner was captivated by the colorful and vibrant festivals celebrated in the country. (这个西方人被该国举办的多彩而充满活力的节日所吸引。)

15. The Westerner was inspired by the entrepreneurial spirit and innovation in the local business community. (这个西方人受到当地商业界创业精神和创新的启发。)

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