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时间: 2024-09-10 02:55:37


1. The ship docked at the wharf to unload its cargo. (这艘船停靠在码头上卸货。)

2. The fishermen gathered at the wharf to prepare for their day of work. (渔民们聚集在码头上准备开始一天的工作。)

3. The old wharf has been renovated and turned into a popular tourist attraction. (这座老旧的码头已经翻新并成为一个受欢迎的旅游景点。)

4. The wharf was bustling with activity as the cruise ship arrived. (游轮到达时,码头上熙熙攘攘,非常热闹。)

5. The wharf offers a stunning view of the city skyline. (码头可以欣赏到城市天际线的壮丽景色。)

6. The workers unloaded the containers from the ship onto the wharf. (工人们把集装箱从船上卸到了码头上。)

7. The wharf was lined with shops and restaurants catering to tourists. (码头两旁都是为游客提供服务的商店和餐馆。)

8. The old wharf creaked and groaned as the heavy cargo was loaded onto the ships. (当大件货物被装上船时,老旧的码头吱吱作响。)

9. The wharf was deserted in the early morning, with only the sound of seagulls breaking the silence. (清晨,码头空无一人,只有海鸥的声音打破了寂静。)

10. The wharf was damaged in the storm and needed extensive repairs. (码头在风暴中受损,需要进行大修。)

11. The wharf was illuminated by the soft glow of the streetlights. (码头被路灯柔和的光芒照亮。)

12. The wharf was a hub of activity as the fishing boats returned with their daily catch. (渔船带着每日的捕获物返回,码头上熙熙攘攘,非常繁忙。)

13. The wharf was the perfect place to watch the sunset over the water. (码头是欣赏水上日落的绝佳地点。)

14. The wharf was built to accommodate the growing shipping industry in the region. (码头建立是为了满足该地区不断增长的航运业需求。)

15. The wharf was a popular spot for locals to gather and socialize. (码头是当地人聚集和社交的热门地点。)

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