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时间: 2024-09-10 02:56:13


1. Wheat is a staple crop that is widely grown for its grain which is used to make flour for bread and other baked goods.(小麦是一种主食作物,广泛种植,其谷物用于制作面包和其他烘焙食品。)

2. The farmer harvested the golden wheat from the fields.(农民从田地里收割了金黄色的小麦。)

3. Wheat prices have been fluctuating due to changes in weather patterns.(小麦价格因天气模式的变化而波动。)

4. The bread was made from whole wheat flour, giving it a nutty flavor.(这个面包是用全麦面粉制成的,味道带有坚果风味。)

5. The wheat fields stretched out as far as the eye could see.(小麦田一直延伸到眼睛所及的地方。)

6. Many people are allergic to wheat and must avoid products containing gluten.(许多人对小麦过敏,必须避免含有麸质的产品。)

7. The farmer planted a new variety of wheat that was resistant to pests.(农民种植了一种新的小麦品种,对害虫有抗性。)

8. The bakery specializes in using locally sourced organic wheat for their bread.(这家面包店专门使用当地有机小麦来制作面包。)

9. The wheat harvest was bountiful this year, ensuring a good supply of grain for the community.(今年的小麦收成丰富,确保了社区粮食的充足供应。)

10. The field of wheat swayed gently in the breeze, creating a mesmerizing sight.(小麦田在微风中轻轻摇曳,构成了一幅迷人的景象。)

11. The nutritional value of wheat makes it an important part of a balanced diet.(小麦的营养价值使其成为均衡饮食中重要的一部分。)

12. The mill processed the harvested wheat into flour for distribution to bakeries.(磨坊将收割的小麦加工成面粉,供应给面包店。)

13. The farmer rotated his crops, planting wheat one season and corn the next.(农民轮作种植,一季种小麦,下一季种玉米。)

14. The wheat fields turned a beautiful golden color as they ripened in the summer sun.(小麦田在夏日阳光下成熟时变成了美丽的金黄色。)

15. The demand for wheat products has been steadily increasing as more people adopt a healthier lifestyle.(随着更多人采用更健康的生活方式,对小麦产品的需求稳步增加。)

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