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时间: 2024-09-10 03:21:47


1. She has been using a wheelchair since she injured her spine in a car accident.(她自从在车祸中受伤后就一直使用轮椅。)

2. The school installed ramps to make it easier for students in wheelchairs to access the building.(学校安装了坡道,以便轮椅上的学生更容易进入建筑物。)

3. The marathon had a special category for participants using wheelchairs.(马拉松比赛为使用轮椅的参与者设立了一个特殊类别。)

4. He maneuvered his wheelchair through the crowded airport with ease.(他轻松地在拥挤的机场里操纵着他的轮椅。)

5. The company provided an accessible restroom for employees who use wheelchairs.(公司为使用轮椅的员工提供了一个无障碍的洗手间。)

6. She felt a sense of freedom when she got her new motorized wheelchair.(她得到新的电动轮椅时感到了一种自由的感觉。)

7. The park has designated areas where people in wheelchairs can enjoy the scenery comfortably.(公园设有专门的区域,让坐轮椅的人可以舒适地欣赏风景。)

8. The athlete in the wheelchair won the gold medal in the Paralympic Games.(坐轮椅的运动员在残奥会上获得了金牌。)

9. The hotel offers rooms designed specifically for guests who use wheelchairs.(酒店提供专门为使用轮椅的客人设计的客房。)

10. The charity organization donated several wheelchairs to the local hospital.(慈善组织向当地医院捐赠了几把轮椅。)

11. The elderly man relies on his wheelchair to move around the house.(这位老人依赖他的轮椅在房子里移动。)

12. The community center organized a fundraiser to purchase new wheelchairs for residents in need.(社区中心组织了一场筹款活动,为有需要的居民购买新轮椅。)

13. The organization advocates for better accessibility for people who use wheelchairs in public spaces.(该组织倡导在公共空间为使用轮椅的人提供更好的无障碍设施。)

14. The student with a disability was provided with a customized wheelchair to suit his needs.(这位残疾学生得到了一把定制的轮椅,以满足他的需求。)

15. The artist painted a beautiful mural depicting people from diverse backgrounds, including a person in a wheelchair.(这位艺术家绘制了一幅美丽的壁画,描绘了来自不同背景的人,其中包括一个坐轮椅的人。)

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