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时间: 2024-09-10 03:15:16


1. The first proposal was rejected, whereas the second one was accepted. (第一个提议被拒绝了,而第二个被接受了。)

2. The company reported a loss in the first quarter, whereas it had made a profit in the same period last year. (公司在第一季度报告亏损,而去年同期盈利。)

3. John prefers to stay indoors, whereas his brother enjoys outdoor activities. (约翰更喜欢呆在室内,而他的兄弟喜欢户外活动。)

4. The new policy aims to reduce costs, whereas the previous one focused on increasing revenue. (新政策旨在降低成本,而之前的政策着重于增加收入。)

5. Sarah is a morning person, whereas her roommate is a night owl. (莎拉是个早起的人,而她的室友是个夜猫子。)

6. The company's sales in Europe increased by 10%, whereas sales in Asia decreased by 5%. (公司在欧洲的销售增长了10%,而在亚洲的销售下降了5%。)

7. The team captain is known for his leadership skills, whereas the vice-captain is more of a team player. (队长以其领导才能著称,而副队长更像是一个团队合作者。)

8. The company's products are known for their quality, whereas their competitors often prioritize quantity. (该公司的产品以质量著称,而竞争对手往往更注重数量。)

9. The company's profits have been steadily increasing, whereas its market share has been declining. (公司的利润一直在稳步增长,而其市场份额一直在下降。)

10. The team's offense is strong, whereas their defense needs improvement. (球队的进攻强劲,而他们的防守需要改进。)

11. The company's CEO is known for his bold decisions, whereas the CFO is more cautious. (公司的首席执行官以其大胆的决策而闻名,而首席财务官更为谨慎。)

12. The company's main competitor focuses on innovation, whereas the company itself relies on traditional methods. (公司的主要竞争对手专注于创新,而公司自身依赖传统方法。)

13. The team's star player is known for his scoring ability, whereas the captain is praised for his leadership on the field. (球队的明星球员以其得分能力而著名,而队长则因其在场上的领导才能而受到赞扬。)

14. The company invested heavily in marketing, whereas its rival focused on product development. (公司在市场营销方面投入了大量资金,而其竞争对手则专注于产品开发。)

15. The company's stock price has been volatile, whereas its competitor's stock has remained stable. (公司的股价一直波动不定,而其竞争对手的股价保持稳定。)

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