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时间: 2024-10-05 20:52:16


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using the word "wield" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. He wielded a sword with expert precision during the duel.

- 他在决斗中以专家般的精准挥舞着剑。

2. As CEO, she wields considerable influence over company policy.

- 作为CEO,她对公司政策拥有相当大的影响力。

3. The dictator wielded power ruthlessly, suppressing dissent.

- 这位独裁者残酷地行使着权力,镇压异议。

4. She deftly wielded the paintbrush, creating a masterpiece on canvas.

- 她灵巧地挥舞着画笔,在画布上创作出了一幅杰作。

5. The magician wielded his wand and cast a spell that amazed the audience.

- 魔术师挥动着魔杖,施展出一个令观众惊叹的咒语。

6. He wielded his authority to ensure the project was completed on time.

- 他运用自己的权威确保项目按时完成。

7. In her hands, the tennis racket was wielded with grace and power.

- 在她的手中,网球拍被她优雅而有力地挥舞着。

8. The writer wielded words like a craftsman, crafting a story that captivated readers.

- 作家像工匠一样巧妙运用文字,编织出一个吸引读者的故事。

9. The general wielded his troops with precision, achieving victory in the battle.

- 将军精确地指挥着部队,在战斗中取得了胜利。

10. She wielded her influence behind the scenes to broker a peace agreement.

- 她在幕后行使影响力,促成了一项和平协议。

11. The conductor wielded his baton, guiding the orchestra through a symphony.

- 指挥挥动着指挥棒,引导着乐队演奏交响乐曲。

12. The politician wielded statistics to support her argument during the debate.

- 在辩论中,政治家运用统计数据支持她的论点。

13. The artist wielded a chisel, shaping the marble into a breathtaking sculpture.

- 艺术家挥舞着凿子,将大理石雕刻成一件令人叹为观止的雕塑。

14. The chef wielded a knife skillfully, slicing vegetables with precision.

- 厨师娴熟地挥舞着刀子,精确地切割着蔬菜。

15. The CEO wielded her negotiation skills to secure a lucrative deal for the company.

- CEO运用她的谈判技巧为公司谈得了一笔利润丰厚的交易。

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