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时间: 2024-10-05 20:49:08


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences with explanations in Chinese for the word "wildlife":

1. The national park is home to a variety of wildlife, including bears and eagles.

- 这个国家公园栖息着各种野生动物,包括熊和老鹰。

2. Conservation efforts are crucial to protect endangered wildlife species.

- 保护工作对于保护濒临灭绝的野生动物物种至关重要。

3. Tourists visit Africa to see the diverse wildlife roaming freely in the savannah.

- 游客们前往非洲观赏在大草原上自由漫步的多样化野生动物。

4. Illegal poaching continues to threaten the wildlife in this region.

- 非法偷猎持续威胁着该地区的野生动物。

5. The documentary explores the behavior and habitats of Arctic wildlife.

- 这部纪录片探讨了北极野生动物的行为和栖息地。

6. Efforts to rehabilitate injured wildlife are ongoing at the wildlife rescue center.

- 在野生动物救援中心,正在进行治疗受伤野生动物的工作。

7. Urban expansion has encroached upon the natural habitats of local wildlife.

- 城市扩展已经侵占了当地野生动物的自然栖息地。

8. Educational programs aim to raise awareness about the importance of preserving wildlife.

- 教育项目旨在提高人们对保护野生动物重要性的意识。

9. The zoo plays a role in both conservation and public education about wildlife.

- 动物园在野生动物保护和公众教育方面都发挥着作用。

10. The government has implemented measures to protect the nesting sites of endangered wildlife.

- 政府已经实施了措施,保护濒临灭绝野生动物的筑巢地。

11. Photographers often travel long distances to capture images of elusive wildlife.

- 摄影师经常长途跋涉以捕捉难以捕捉的野生动物的影像。

12. Climate change poses a threat to the survival of many Arctic wildlife species.

- 气候变化对许多北极野生动物物种的生存构成威胁。

13. Ecotourism promotes responsible travel that supports local wildlife conservation efforts.

- 生态旅游促进了支持当地野生动物保护努力的负责任旅行。

14. Researchers study the migratory patterns of wildlife to understand their seasonal movements.

- 研究人员研究野生动物的迁徙模式,以了解它们的季节性迁移。

15. The protection of wildlife habitats requires cooperation between governments and local communities.

- 保护野生动物栖息地需要政府和当地社区之间的合作。


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