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时间: 2024-10-05 20:47:11


当然,这里有一些关于 "willingly" 的例句,每个例句后面都跟着中文解释:

1. She willingly agreed to help with the project. 她乐意同意帮助这个项目。

2. He willingly accepted the responsibility for the mistake. 他愿意承担起了这个错误的责任。

3. The children willingly cleaned up their rooms. 孩子们乐意地打扫了他们的房间。

4. She willingly sacrificed her own time to mentor others. 她愿意牺牲自己的时间来指导他人。

5. He willingly shared his expertise with the team. 他愿意与团队分享他的专业知识。

6. They willingly donated money to the charity. 他们乐意向慈善机构捐款。

7. She willingly waited for hours for her friend to arrive. 她乐意等待了几个小时,等朋友到达。

8. He willingly agreed to postpone the meeting. 他愿意同意推迟会议。

9. The villagers willingly joined forces to rebuild the school. 村民们乐意联合起来重建学校。

10. She willingly participated in the community cleanup event. 她乐意参加社区清洁活动。

11. He willingly offered his assistance to anyone who needed it. 他愿意向任何需要帮助的人提供帮助。

12. They willingly embraced the new changes in the company. 他们乐意接受公司的新变化。

13. She willingly accepted the challenge of learning a new language. 她乐意接受学习一门新语言的挑战。

14. He willingly took on extra responsibilities at work. 他愿意在工作中承担额外的责任。

15. The team members willingly collaborated on the project. 团队成员乐意合作进行这个项目。

希望这些例句能够帮助理解 "willingly" 这个词的用法和意义!

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