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时间: 2024-10-06 18:57:12




1. Confer(v.): 意为"授予"、"赐予"。例如:The university conferred an honorary degree upon the famous author.(这所大学授予了这位著名作家荣誉学位。)

2. Infer(v.): 意为"推断"、"得出结论"。例如:From her hesitation, I inferred that she was unsure of her decision.(从她的犹豫不决,我推断她对自己的决定很不确定。)

3. Proffer(v.): 意为"提供"、"献上"。例如:The kind neighbor proffered a plate of freshly baked cookies.(那位善良的邻居献上了一盘刚出炉的饼干。)

4. Refer(v.): 意为"指涉"、"提及"。例如:The report refers to the need for more funding in the education sector.(该报告提及了教育领域需要更多资金投入的问题。)

5. Prefer(v.): 意为"更喜欢"、"更倾向于"。例如:I prefer tea over coffee in the morning.(我更喜欢在早上喝茶而不是咖啡。)

6. Transfer(v.): 意为"转移"、"转让"。例如:The company transferred its headquarters to a new location.(该公司将总部迁至新的地点。)

7. Differ(v.): 意为"有差异"、"不同"。例如:The two proposals differ significantly in their approach to the problem.(这两个提案在解决问题的方法上存在显著差异。)

8. Defer(v.): 意为"推迟"、"延期"。例如:The committee deferred making a decision until more information was available.(该委员会推迟做出决定,直到有更多信息可用。)

9. Suffer(v.): 意为"遭受"、"承受"。例如:The local residents suffered greatly from the natural disaster.(当地居民遭受了自然灾害的严重影响。)

10. Confer(v.): 意为"讨论"、"商议"。例如:The team members conferred to come up with a new strategy.(团队成员进行了讨论,以制定出新的策略。)



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