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时间: 2024-09-29 04:49:50



/ trip /

(tripped, tripping)
1. [no obj.] catch one's foot on something and stumble or fall
• 绊,绊倒
 »he tripped over his cat.
 »she tripped up during the penultimate lap.
  [with obj.] cause (someone) to do this
• 使(某人)绊倒
 »she shot out her foot to trip him up.
  (trip up)make a mistake
• 犯错误
 »taxpayers often trip up by not declaring taxable income.
  [with obj.] (trip someone up)detect or expose someone in an error, blunder, or inconsistency
• 发现(或指出)某人的错误(或疏忽、矛盾之处)
 »the man was determined to trip him up on his economics.
2. [no obj., with adverbial] walk, run, or dance with quick light steps
• 轻快地走(或跑、跳舞)
 »they tripped up the terrace steps.
  (of words) flow lightly and easily
• (字句)轻松自如地吐出
 »a name which trips off the tongue.
 »the guest list tripped from her lips.
3. [with obj.] activate (a mechanism), especially by contact with a switch, catch, or other electrical device
• (尤指按触开关、挡等以)开动(机器)
 »an intruder trips the alarm.
  [no obj.] (of part of an electric circuit) disconnect automatically as a safety measure
• (部分电路)自动断开
 »the plugs will trip as soon as any change in current is detected.
4. [with obj.] [Nautical] release and raise (an anchor) from the seabed by means of a cable
[航海] 起(锚)
  turn (a yard or other object) from a horizontal to a vertical position for lowering
• 竖起(帆桁等)
5. [no obj.] [informal] experience hallucinations induced by taking a psychedelic drug, especially LSD
[非正式] (尤指服用LSD等迷幻药后)体验幻觉
 »a couple of boys were tripping.
6. [no obj., with adverbial of direction] go on a short journey
• 作短程旅行
 »when tripping through the Yukon take some time to explore our museums.
1. a journey or excursion, especially for pleasure
• (尤指娱乐性的)旅行,旅游
 »Sammy's gone on a school trip.
 »a trip to America.
  the distance from start to finish of a race
• (赛跑等比赛的)赛程
 »the dog clocked a tremendous 27.47 secs for the 450 metres trip.
2. a stumble or fall due to catching one's foot on something
• 绊倒
  (archaic)a mistake
[古] 错误
 »an occasional trip in the performance.
3. [informal] a hallucinatory experience caused by taking a psychedelic drug, especially LSD
[非正式] (尤指服用LSD等迷幻药后所产生的)幻觉体验
 »acid trips.
  an exciting or stimulating experience
• 令人兴奋(或刺激)的经历
 »it was quite a trip talking to you.
  a self-indulgent attitude or activity
• 自我放纵的态度(或行动)
 »politics was a sixties trip.
4. a device that activates or disconnects a mechanism, circuit, etc.
• (机器、电路的)开关
  an instance of a device deactivating or the power supply disconnecting as a safety measure
• (安全装置)断开
5. (archaic)a light, lively movement of a person's feet
[古] 轻捷的脚步
 »yonder comes Dalinda; I know her by her trip.
trip the light fantastic
1. (humorous)dance, in particular engage in ballroom dancing
[幽默] 跳舞(尤指跳双人交谊舞)
1. Middle English: from Old French triper, from Middle Dutch trippen 'to skip, hop'
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