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时间: 2024-09-29 00:51:00



/ 5sekFEn /

1. any of the more or less distinct parts into which something is or may be divided or from which it is made up
• 部分
  a relatively distinct part of a book, newspaper, statute, or other document
• (书或报纸的)段落,章节;(法律等文件的)款,项
  [N. Amer.] a measure of land, equal to one square mile
[北美] 平方英里
  (chiefly US)a particular district of a town
[主美] (城镇的)区域,地段
  [NZ] a building plot
[新西兰] 建房用地
2. a distinct group within a larger body of people or things
• 派别;部门,科,股
 »the non-parliamentary section of the party.
  a group of players of a family of instruments within an orchestra
• (管弦乐队中的)乐器组
 »the brass section.
  [in names] a specified military unit
• (军队的)特定单位
 »a GHQ Signals Section.
  a subdivision of an army platoon
• 分排,小队
  [Biology] a secondary taxonomic category, especially a subgenus
[生] 组(尤指亚属)
3. [mass noun] the cutting of a solid by or along a plane
• 横切
  the shape resulting from cutting a solid along a plane
• 截面,断面
  [count noun] a representation of the internal structure of something as if it has been cut through vertically or horizontally
• 横切面,剖面
  [count noun] [Surgery] a separation by cutting
[外科] 切开
  [count noun] [Biology] a thin slice of plant or animal tissue prepared for microscopic examination
[生] (用于显微观察的植物或动物组织)切片
verb, [with obj.]
1. divide into sections
• 将…分成几部分,给…分区
 »she began to section the grapefruit.
  (section something off)separate an area from a larger one
• 将…隔开
 »parts of the curved balcony had been sectioned off with wrought-iron grilles.
  [Biology] cut (animal or plant tissue) into thin slices for microscopic examination
[生] 将(动植物组织)切成切片
  [Surgery] divide by cutting
[外科] 切开
 »it is common veterinary practice to section the nerves to the hoof of a limping horse.
2. [Brit.] [常作 be sectioned] commit (someone) compulsorily to a psychiatric hospital in accordance with a section of a mental health act
[英] (根据精神病法) 将…强制关进精神病院
 »should she be sectioned and forced back into hospital?
sectioned adjective
 »[often in combination] a square-sectioned iron peg.
1. late Middle English (as a noun): from French section or Latin sectio(n-), from secare 'to cut'. The verb dates from the early 19th cent
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