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时间: 2024-09-20 06:02:50



/ 5EuvE /

1. extending directly upwards from
• 直接向上延伸的;在…的上方;在…的上空
 »I saw flames over Berlin.
  above so as to cover or protect
• (为覆盖或保护而)在…的上面,在…的上方
 »an oxygen tent over the bed.
 »ladle this sauce over fresh pasta.
  extending above (a general area) from a vantage point
• 从…上方
 »views over Hyde Park.
  at the other side of; beyond
• 在…的另一边;在…的外面
 »over the hill is a small village.
2. expressing passage or trajectory across
• 通过,(越)过
 »she trudged over the lawn.
  beyond and falling or hanging from
• 越过…向下
 » it toppled over the cliff.
3. expressing duration
• 持续;在…期间
 »inventories have been refined over many years.
 »she told me over coffee.
  by means of; by the medium of
• 通过…手段;通过…媒介
 »over the loudspeaker.
4. at a higher level or layer than
• (层次上)高于,在…之上
 »his flat was over the shop.
  higher in grade or rank than
• 级别(或地位)在…之上
 »over him is the financial director.
  expressing authority or control
• 对…起支配作用
 »editorial control over what is included.
  expressing preference
• 优先于
 »I'd choose the well-known brand over that one.
  expressing majority
• 在数量上超过
 »the predominance of Asian over African managers in the sample.
  higher in volume or pitch than
• 音量大于;音调高于
 »he shouted over the noise of the taxis.
5. higher than (a specified number or quantity)
• 超过(某一数值或数量)
 »over 40 degrees ℃.
 »they have lived together for over a year.
6. on the subject of
• 关于,在…方面
 »a heated debate over unemployment.
1. expressing passage or trajectory across an area
• 通过,(越)过
 »he leant over and tapped me on the hand.
  beyond and falling or hanging from a point
• 越过…向下;垂下
 »listing over at an acute angle.
  in or to the place mentioned or indicated
• 在…;至…
 »over here.
 »come over and cheer us up.
2. used to express action and result
• [表示动作结果]…过来,…过
 »the car flipped over.
 »hand the money over.
• 结束,完
 »the match is over.
 »message understood, over and out.
3. used to express repetition of a process
• 再一次,重复地
 »twice over.
 »the sums will have to be done over again.
1. [Cricket] a sequence of six balls bowled by a bowler from one end of the pitch, after which another bowler takes over from the other end
[板球] 一轮投球
be over
1. no longer be affected by
• 从…影响下恢复过来,渡过
 »we were over the worst.
get something over with
1. do or undergo something unpleasant or difficult, so as to be rid of it
• 把(不愉快或难做的事)先做完
over against
1. adjacent to
• 靠近
 »over against the wall.
  in contrast with
• 与…形成对照
 »over against heaven is hell.
over and above
1. in addition to
• 除…之外(还)
 »exceptional service over and above what normally might be expected.
over and done with
1. completely finished
• 全部完成,完全结束
over and over
1. again and again
• 一再地,再三地
1. Old English ofer, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch over and German über, from an Indo-European word (originally a comparative of the element represented by -ove in above) which is also the base of Latin super and Greek huper
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