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时间: 2024-09-18 12:03:24



/ pEuz /

1. [with obj.] present or constitute (a problem, danger, or difficulty)
• 形成,构成(问题,危险,困难)
 »the sheer number of visitors is posing a threat to the area.
  raise (a question or matter for consideration)
• 提出(问题或考虑对象)
 »a statement which posed more questions than it answered.
2. [no obj.] assume a particular attitude or position in order to be photographed, painted, or drawn
• 摆出姿态(或姿势)
 »the prime minister posed for photographers.
  [with obj.] place (someone) in a particular attitude or position in order to be photographed, painted, or drawn
• 使摆好姿势
 »he posed her on the sofa.
  (pose as)set oneself up as or pretend to be (someone or something)
• 假装,冒充
 »a man posing as a customer.
 »whitewashed chicken coops which posed as villas.
  behave affectedly in order to impress others
• 装腔作势;卖弄
 »some people like to drive kit cars, but most just like to pose in them.
1. a particular way of standing or sitting, usually adopted for effect or in order to be photographed, painted, or drawn
• (为摄影或画像而摆出的)样子,姿势
 »photographs of boxers in ferocious poses.
  a particular way of behaving adopted in order to give others a false impression
• (为给人错误印象而做出的)举止,举动
 »the man dropped his pose of amiability.
  an affected way of behaving adopted in order to impress others
• 卖弄
1. Middle English: from Old French poser (verb), from late Latin pausare 'to pause', which replaced Latin ponere 'to place'. The noun dates from the early 19th cent
1. [with obj.] (archaic)puzzle or perplex (someone) with a question or problem
[古] 把…难住;使为难
 »we have thus posed the mathematician and the historian.
1. early 16th cent.: shortening of obsolete appose, from Old French aposer, variant of oposer 'oppose'
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