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时间: 2024-09-20 01:16:55



/ 5trAvEl /

(travelled, travelling; 美亦作 traveled, traveling)
1. [no obj., with adverbial] make a journey, typically of some length or abroad
• 旅行(尤指长途旅行或出国旅行)
 »the vessel had been travelling from Libya to Ireland.
 »we travelled thousands of miles.
  [with obj.] journey along (a road) or through (a region)
• 沿(路)旅行;经过(某地区)
 »he travelled the world with the army.
  [usu. as adj. traveling] go or be moved from place to place
• 走动,移动
 »a travelling exhibition.
  [informal] resist motion sickness, damage, or some other impairment on a journey
[非正式] 经受得住旅行(指在旅行中不眩晕、不会损坏等)
 »he usually travels well, but he did get a bit upset on a very rough crossing.
  be enjoyed or successful away from the place of origin
• (在原地以外的地方)受欢迎
 »accordion music travels well.
  (of an object or radiation) move, typically in a constant or predictable way
• (物体,放射线)运动,移动(尤指做常态移动)
 »light travels faster than sound.
  [informal] (especially of a vehicle) move quickly
[非正式] (尤指车辆)快速移动
noun, [mass noun]
1. the action of travelling, typically abroad
• (尤指海外)旅行
 »I have a job which involves quite a lot of travel.
  [count noun] (travels)journeys, especially long or exotic ones
• (尤指长途或异域)旅程
 »perhaps you'll write a book about your travels.
  [as modifier] (of a device) designed so as to be sufficiently compact for use on a journey
• (设备)旅行用的
 »a travel iron.
  the range, rate, or mode of motion of a part of a machine
• (机器部件的)运动范围,运动速度,运动模式
 »two proximity switches detect when the valve has reached the end of its travel.
1. Middle English: variant of travail and originally in the same sense
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