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时间: 2024-09-17 13:49:36



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(stronger, strongest )
1. having the power to move heavy weights or perform other physically demanding tasks
• 强劲的,强有力的,强壮的
 »she cut through the water with her strong arms.
  [attrib.] able to perform a specified action well and powerfully
• 精通的,擅长的
 »he was not a strong swimmer.
  exerting great force
• 强大的
 »a strong current.
  (of an argument or case) likely to succeed because of sound reasoning or convincing evidence
• (论据,案件)有说服力的,有分量的,充分的
 »there is a strong argument for decentralization.
  possessing skills and qualities that create a likelihood of success
• 有实力的,有望成功的
 »the competition was too strong.
  powerfully affecting the mind, senses, or emotions
• 具有强烈感染力的;感人的
 »his imagery made a strong impression on the critics.
  used after a number to indicate the size of a group
[用于数词后] 多达…的,计有…的
 »a hostile crowd several thousands strong.
2. able to withstand great force or pressure
• 强固的,牢固的,坚牢的
 »cotton is strong, hard-wearing, and easy to handle.
  (of a person's constitution) not easily affected by disease or hardship
• (体质)强壮的,强健的
  (of a person's nervous or emotional state) not easily disturbed or upset
• (精神,情感)坚强的;沉着的,冷静的
 »driving on these motorways requires strong nerves.
  (of a person's character) showing determination, self-control, and good judgement
• (性格)坚强的,坚定的
 »only a strong will enabled him to survive.
  in a secure financial position
• 收支稳定的,财政稳固的
 »the company's chip business remains strong.
  (of a market) having steadily high or rising prices
• (市场)景气的;看涨的
  offering security and advantage
• 有保证的,有优势的,有利的
 »the company was in a strong position to negotiate a deal.
  (of a belief or feeling) intense and firmly held
• (信仰,感情)强烈的,坚定的
  (of a relationship) lasting and remaining warm despite difficulties
• (关系)持久的,牢固的
3. very intense
• 浓烈的,浓重的
 »a strong smell.
  (of something seen or heard) not soft or muted; clear or prominent
• (视觉、听觉对象)清晰的,显著的;高亢的,响亮的
 »she should wear strong colours.
  (of food or its flavour) distinctive and pungent
• (食物或味)味重的
 »strong cheese.
  (of a solution or drink) containing a large proportion of a particular substance; concentrated
• (溶液,饮料)浓的,浓缩的
 »a cup of strong coffee.
  (of language or actions) forceful and extreme, especially excessively or unacceptably so
• (语言,行动)强烈的,猛烈的,强硬的
 »the government were urged to take strong measures against the perpetrators of violence.
  [Chemistry] (of an acid or base) fully ionized into cations and anions in solution; having (respectively) a very low or a very high pH
[化] (酸,碱)强的,浓的;pH值很低(或很高)的
1. [Grammar] denoting a class of verbs in Germanic languages that form the past tense and past participle by a change of vowel within the stem rather than by addition of a suffix (e.g. swim, swam, swum)
[语法] (动词)强变化的,强变格的
2. [Physics] of, relating to, or denoting the strongest of the known kinds of force between particles, which acts between nucleons and other hadrons when closer than about 10-13 cm (so binding protons in a nucleus despite the repulsion due to their charge), and which conserves strangeness, parity, and isospin
come on strong
[informal 非正式]
1. behave aggressively or assertively, especially in making sexual advances to someone
• (尤指性挑逗)招摇,放肆大胆
2. improve one's position considerably
• 大幅度地改善状况(地位)
 »he came on strong towards the end of the round.
going strong
1. [informal] continuing to be healthy, vigorous, or successful
[非正式] 保持健康,保持精力充沛,保持兴旺,保持运行良好
 »the programme is still going strong after twelve series.
strong on
1. good at
• 擅长,善于
 »he is strong on comedy.
  possessing large quantities of
• 大量拥有的
 »our pizza wasn't strong on pine nuts.
strong meat
1. [Brit.] ideas or language likely to be found unacceptably forceful or extreme
[英] (言辞)过强的,过激的
one's strong point
1. something at which one excels
• 强项,长处
 »arithmetic had never been my strong point.
strongish adjective
strongly adverb
1. Old English, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch and German streng, also to string
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