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时间: 2024-09-20 01:10:36



/ haid /

(past hid; past participle hidden )
1. [with obj.] put or keep out of sight; conceal from the view or notice of others
• 藏,隐藏,隐蔽
 »he hid the money in the house.
 »they swept up the pieces and hid them away.
  (of a thing) prevent (someone or something) from being seen
• 遮掩
 »clouds rolled up and hid the moon.
  keep secret or unknown
• 保密,掩饰
 »Herbert could hardly hide his dislike.
  [no obj.] conceal oneself
• 躲藏
 »Juliet's first instinct was to hide under the blankets.
 »he had a little money and could hide out until the end of the month.
  [no obj.] (hide behind)use (someone or something) to protect oneself from criticism or punishment, especially in a way considered cowardly or unethical
• (尤指怯懦地或不道德地)(为免受批评或惩罚)躲避
 »companies and manufacturers with poor security can hide behind the law.
1. [Brit.] a camouflaged shelter used to get a close view of wildlife
[英] (用于近距离观察野生动物的)隐蔽处,埋伏处
hide one's head
1. cover up one's face or keep out of sight, especially from shame
• (尤指因羞惭)掩面,躲避
hide one's light under a bushel
1. keep quiet about one's talents or accomplishments
• (谦虚而隐藏自己的才能)不露锋芒
hider noun
1. Old English hȳdan, of West Germanic origin
1. the skin of an animal, especially when tanned or dressed
• (动物的)皮(尤指鞣革)
  used to refer to a person's ability to withstand criticisms or insults
• 脸皮(用于指人有忍受批评或侮辱的能力)
 »‘I'm sorry I called you a pig.’ ‘My hide's thick enough; it didn't bother me.’.
hide or hair of someone
1. [with negative] the slightest sight or trace of someone
• (某人的)踪迹,踪影
 »I could find neither hide nor hair of him.
save one's hide
1. escape from danger or difficulty
• 逃离危险(或困难)
tan [或whip] someone's hide
1. beat or flog someone
• 打(或鞭打)某人
  punish someone severely
• 严厉惩罚(某人)
hided adjective
1. Old English hȳd, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch huid and German Haut
1. a former measure of land used in England, typically equal to between 60 and 120 acres, being the amount that would support a family and its dependants
• 海得(英格兰旧土地单位,一般等于60至120英亩,养活家人及仆人所需的土地)
1. Old English hīd, hīgid, from the base of hīgan, hīwan 'household members', of Germanic origin
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