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时间: 2024-09-19 11:26:09




1. a prickly bush or shrub that typically bears red, pink, yellow, or white fragrant flowers, native to north temperate regions. Numerous hybrids and cultivars have been developed and are widely grown as ornamentals
• 蔷薇科植物;玫瑰;蔷薇
2. Genus Rosa, family Rosaceae (the rose family). This large family includes most temperate fruits (apple, plum, peach, cherry, blackberry, strawberry) as well as the hawthorns, rowans, and potentillas, avens, and lady's mantles
• 蔷薇属,蔷薇科。这一大科除包括山楂,欧洲花楸,委陵菜,水杨梅属植物和斗篷草外,还包括多数温带水果(苹果,李子,桃子,樱桃,黑刺莓,草莓)
  the flower of such a plant
• 玫瑰花;蔷薇花
 »he sent her a dozen red roses.
 »[as modifier] a rose garden.
  used in names of other plants whose flowers resemble roses, e.g. Christmas rose, rose of Sharon
• [用于花似玫瑰的其他植物名中,如Christmas rose, rose of Sharon]
  used in similes and comparisons in reference to the rose flower's beauty or its typical rich red colour
• [用于明喻和比喻]像玫瑰花般美丽;像玫瑰花的富丽艳红色一样
 »she looked as beautiful as a rose.
  [often with negative] (roses)used to express favourable circumstances or ease of success
• 安乐的境地;有利的环境;轻易成功
 »all is not roses in the firm today.
3. a thing representing or resembling the flower, in particular
• 象征玫瑰或玫瑰花形的东西,尤指
  a stylized representation of the flower in heraldry or decoration, typically with five petals (especially as a national emblem of England)
• 玫瑰形物;玫瑰花饰;玫瑰花形纹章(尤指英国徽章)
 »the Tudor rose.
  short for compass rose
• compass rose 的简称
  short for rose window
• rose window 的简称
  short for rose diamond
• rose diamond 的简称
  short for ceiling rose
• ceiling rose 的简称
4. a perforated cap attached to a shower, the spout of a watering can, or the end of a hose to produce a spray
• (淋浴器、洒水壶或水管的)莲蓬式喷嘴
5. [mass noun] a warm pink or light crimson colour
• 玫瑰色,玫瑰红
 »the rose and gold of dawn.
 »[as modifier] the 100% cotton range is available in rose pink and ocean blue.
 »[in combination] leaves with rose-red margins.
  [一般作 roses] used in reference to a rosy complexion, especially that of a young woman
• (尤指年轻女子)红润的肤色
 »the fresh air will soon put the roses back in her cheeks.
1. [with obj.] (poetic/literary)make rosy
[诗/文] 使成玫瑰色;使变红
 »a warm flush now rosed her hitherto blue cheeks.
a bed of roses
--› see bed
come up roses
1. (of a situation) develop in a very favourable way
• (形势)很有利;(情况)显得很完满
 »new boyfriend, successful career—everything was coming up roses.
come up (或 out) smelling of roses
1. emerge from a difficult situation with reputation intact
• 保持清白,出污泥而不染
under the rose
1. (archaic)in confidence; under pledge of secrecy
[古] 秘密地,私下里
rose-like adjective
1. Old English rōse, of Germanic origin, from Latin rosa; reinforced in Middle English by Old French rose
1. past of rise
• rise 的过去式
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