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时间: 2024-09-20 01:07:44




(past blew ;past participle blown )
1. [noobj.] (of wind) move creating an air current
• (风)吹,吹动
 »a cold wind began to blow.
  [with obj.andadverbial of direction] (of wind) cause to move; propel
• (风)推动,吹动
 »a gust of wind blew a cloud of smoke into his face.
 »the spire was blown down during a gale.
  [noobj., with adverbial of direction] be carried, driven, or moved by the wind or an air current
• 被吹动,被吹走;飘动
 »it was so windy that the tent nearly blew away.
 »cotton curtains blowing in the breeze.
  [informal] leave
[非正式] 离开,动身
 »I'd better blow.
2. [noobj.] (of a person) expel air through pursed lips
• (人)吹气
 »Willie took a deep breath, and blew.
 »he blew on his tea to cool it.
  [with obj.] use one's breath to propel
• 用嘴吹动,吹送
 »he blew cigar smoke in her face.
  breathe hard; pant
• 用力呼吸;喘息
 »Uncle Albert was soon puffing and blowing.
  [with obj.] cause to breathe hard; exhaust of breath[as adj. blown]
• 使用力呼吸,使上气不接下气
 »an exhausted, blown horse.
  [with obj.] (of a person) force air through the mouth into (an instrument) in order to make a sound
• (人)吹奏(乐器等),吹响
 »the umpire blew his whistle.
  (of such an instrument) make a noise through being blown into in such a way
• (乐器等)吹响
 »police whistles blew.
  [with obj.] sound (the horn of a vehicle)
• 鸣(汽车喇叭)
  [informal] play jazz or rock music in an unrestrained style
[非正式] 纵情地吹奏爵士乐(或摇滚乐)
  [with obj.] force air through a tube into (molten glass) in order to create an artefact
• 吹制(玻璃)
  [with obj.] remove the contents of (an egg) by forcing air through
• 把蛋清和蛋黄从(蛋壳)中吹出
  [with obj.] (of flies) lay eggs in or on (something)
• (苍蝇)产卵于
  (of a whale) eject air and vapour through the blowhole
• (鲸鱼)喷水泡
3. [with obj.andadverbial of direction] (of an explosion or explosive device) displace violently or send flying
• (爆炸,爆炸装置)使猛烈爆炸,炸飞
 »the blast had blown the windows out of the van.
  [noobj.] (of a vehicle tyre) burst suddenly while the vehicle is in motion
• (轮胎)爆胎
  burst or cause to burst due to pressure or overheating
• (因压力或过热)(使)爆炸,(使)爆破
 »[noobj.] the engines sounded as if their exhausts had blown.
 »[with obj.] frost will have blown a compression joint.
  (of an electric circuit) burn out or cause to burn out through overloading
• 电路因过载)(使)溶化,烧断
 »[noobj.] the fuse in the plug had blown.
 »[with obj.] the floodlights blew a fuse.
4. [with obj.] [informal] spend recklessly
[非正式] 大手大脚的花费,挥霍
 »they blew £100,000 in just eighteen months.
5. [informal] completely bungle (an opportunity)
[非正式] 糟蹋(一次机会),使泡汤
 »the wider issues were to show that politicians had blown it.
  [一般作 be blown] expose (a stratagem)
• 揭露(计谋,诡计)
 »a man whose cover was blown.
6. (past participle blowed)[with obj.] [usu. as imperative] [Brit. informal] damn
[英,非正式] 见鬼,真倒霉
 »‘Well, blow me ’ , he said, ‘I never knew that’.
 »[with clause] I'm blowed if I want to see him again.
7. [with obj.] (vulgar slang)perform fellatio on (a sexual partner)
[粗俚] 吮吸(性伴侣)的阴茎
1. [insing.] a strong wind
• 强风,大风
 »we're in for a bit of a blow.
  an act of getting some fresh air
• 呼吸新鲜空气
 »I'll go down to the sea and get a blow before supper.
  an act of blowing on an instrument
• 吹奏
 »a number of blows on the whistle.
  [insing.] an act of blowing one's nose
• 擤鼻子,空鼻子
 »give your nose a good blow.
  [insing.] [informal] a spell of playing jazz or rock music
[非正式] 爵士乐(或摇滚乐)演奏
  (in steel-making) an act of sending an air or oxygen blast through molten metal in a converter
• (炼钢用语)吹炼
2. [mass noun] [informal] cannabis
[非正式] 大麻
be blown off course
1. (of a project) be disrupted by some circumstance
• (项目)被中断
be blown out of the water
1. (of a person, idea, or project) be shown to lack all credibility
• (人,想法,计划)被证明不可信
blow away the cobwebs
1. refresh oneself when feeling weary, especially by having some fresh air
• (尤指通过呼吸新鲜空气)提神,清醒脑子
blow someone's brains out
1. [informal] kill someone with a shot in the head with a firearm
[非正式] (用枪)击中某人头部将其杀死
blow cold on
1. regard unfavourably
• 冷眼相待
blow the doors off
1. [N. Amer. informal] be considerably better or more successful than
[北美,非正式] 远远胜过,比…更为成功
 »a package that blows the doors off anything on the market.
blow a fuse (或 gasket)
1. [informal] lose one's temper
[非正式] 发脾气
blow the gaff --› see gaff
blow hot and cold
1. vacillate
• 出尔反尔,冷热无常
blow someone a kiss
1. kiss the tips of one's fingers then blow across them towards someone as a gesture of affection
• 给某人一个飞吻
blow someone's mind
1. [informal] impress or otherwise affect someone very strongly
• 给某人留下深刻印象;使某人感到震撼
 »the sound of a twelve-string guitar just blew my mind.
blow one's nose
1. clear one's nose of mucus by blowing through it into a handkerchief
• (对着手帕)擤鼻子
blow off steam --› see steam 条 let off steam
blow someone's socks off --› see sock
blow one's top (或 chiefly N. Amer.
1. [主北美] [informal] lose one's temper
[非正式] 发脾气
blow one's trumpet --› see trumpet
blow up in one's face
1. (of an action, project, or situation) go drastically wrong with damaging effects to oneself
• (行动,计划,情况)朝对自己不利的方向急剧发展
blow the whistle on --› see whistle
blow with the wind
1. be incapable of maintaining a consistent course of action
• 无法保持一贯的事态进程,随波逐流
1. Old English blāwan, of Germanic origin; related to German blähen 'blow up, swell', from an Indo-European root shared by Latin flare 'blow'
blow someone away
[informal 非正式]
1. kill someone using a firearm
• 枪杀某人
2. (be blown away)be extremely impressed
• 得到极深印象,被深深打动
 »I'm blown away by his new poem.
blow in
1. [informal] (of a person) arrive casually and unannounced
[非正式] (人)不期而至,一阵风吹来
blow off
1. lose one's temper and shout
• 发脾气大叫大嚷
2. [informal] break wind noisily
[非正式] 放响屁
blow someone off
1. [N. Amer. informal] fail to keep an appointment with someone
[北美,非正式] 没有赴约会见某人
  end a romantic or sexual relationship with someone
• 结束与某人的情爱关系,与某人吹了
blow something off
1. [N. Amer. informal] ignore or make light of something
[北美,非正式] 把…不当一回事,轻视
  fail to attend something
• 未能参加,未能出席
 »Ivy blew off class.
blow out
1. be extinguished by an air current
• 被吹灭
 »the candles blew out.
2. (of an tyre) puncture while the vehicle is in motion
• (行驶时轮胎)爆裂
3. (of an oil or gas well) emit gas suddenly and forcefully
• (油井,气井)突然猛烈喷气,井喷
4. (blow itself out)(of a storm) finally lose its force
• (暴风雨)平息
blow someone out
1. [N. Amer. informal] defeat someone convincingly
[北美,非正式] 让某人输得心服口服
blow something out
1. use one's breath to extinguish a flame
• 把(火)吹灭
 »he blew out the candle.
2. puff out one's cheeks
• 鼓起腮帮
3. [N. Amer. informal] render a part of the body useless
[北美,非正式] 使身体部位残废
blow over
1. (of trouble) fade away without serious consequences
• (麻烦)结束,烟消云散
blow up
1. explode
• 爆炸,爆破
  (of a person) lose one's temper
• (人)发火,发脾气
 »Mum had blown up at Dad with more than her usual vehemence.
2. (of a wind or storm) begin to develop
• (风,暴风雨)开始爆发
  (of a scandal or dispute) emerge or become public
• (丑闻)曝光,(争端)公开化
3. inflate
• 膨胀
 »my stomach had started to blow up.
blow someone up
1. (informal, dated)reprimand someone severely
[非正式,旧] 训斥,严斥
 »she got blown up by her boss for being late.
blow something up
1. cause something to explode
• 使爆炸
2. inflate something
• 使膨胀,使鼓起来
 »a small pump for blowing up balloons.
  (figurative)inflate the importance of something
[喻] 夸大某事的重要性
 »it was a domestic tiff which had been blown up out of all proportion.
  enlarge a photograph or text
• 放大(照片,文字)
1. a powerful stroke with a hand, weapon, or hard object
• (用手、武器或硬物的)重击,捶击
 »he received a blow to the skull.
  a sudden shock or disappointment
• 震惊,失望,打击
 »the news came as a crushing blow to the cast.
at one blow
1. by a single stroke; in one operation
• 一击,一举,一下子
 »the letter had destroyed his certainty at one blow.
come to blows
1. start fighting after a disagreement
• 动手打起来
soften (或 cushion) the blow
1. make it easier to cope with a difficult change or upsetting news
• 使困难的事情易于处理;使不好的消息易于接受,安抚
 »monetary compensation was offered to soften the blow.
strike a blow for (或 against)
1. act in support of (or opposition to)
• 支持(或反对)
 »a chance to strike a blow for freedom.
1. late Middle English : of unknown origin
blow³(archaic or poetic/literary)[古,诗/文]
(past blew ;past participle blown )
1. [noobj.] produce flowers or be in flower
• 开花;在开花
 »I know a bank where the wild thyme blows.
1. [mass noun] the state or period of flowering
• 开花,开花期
 »stocks in fragrant blow.
1. Old English blōwan, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch bloeien and German blühen, also to bloomand blossom
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