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(worse , worst )
1. of poor quality
• 糟糕的,差的;拙劣的,劣质的
 »a bad diet.
 »a bad film.
  not functioning to a required or expected standard
• 不合格的
 »bad eyesight.
  not able to do something specified well
• 不擅长的
 »I'm so bad at names.
 »a bad listener.
  [attrib.] not appropriate to a particular purpose
• 不佳的;不适于的
 »morning was a bad time to ask Andy about anything.
2. not such as to be hoped for or desired; unpleasant or unwelcome
• 坏的;恶劣的;不幸的
 »bad news.
 »bad weather.
 »bad luck.
• 不光彩的
 »a bad reputation.
  (of something causing pain, danger, or other unwelcome consequences) severe or intense
• (疼痛、危险或其他不良后果)严重的;厉害的
 »bad headaches.
 »a bad crash.
 »a bad mistake.
  [predic.] (bad for)having a harmful effect on
• 有害的
 »soap was bad for his face.
3. (of food) decayed; putrid
• (食物)腐烂的
 »everything in the fridge would go bad.
  (of the atmosphere) polluted; unhealthy
• (大气)污染的
 »bad air.
4. (of a part of the body) injured, diseased, or causing pain
• (身体一部分)受伤的;生病的;疼痛的
 »a bad back.
  [as complement] (of a person) unwell
• (人)不适的
 »I feel bad.
5. [as complement] regretful, guilty, or ashamed about something
• 遗憾的;后悔的;难过的
 »working mothers who feel bad about leaving their child.
6. lacking or failing to conform to moral virtue
• 邪恶的;道德败坏的
 »the bad guys.
 »bad behaviour.
  (of language) using words generally considered offensive
• (语言)无礼的
7. worthless; not valid
• 无价值的;伪造的
 »he ran up 87 bad cheques.
8. (badder, baddest)(informal, chiefly US)good; excellent
[非正式,主美] 好的
 »they want the baddest, best-looking Corvette there is.
1. [N. Amer. informal] badly
[北美,非正式] 厉害地
 »he beat her up real bad.
a bad penny always turns up
--› see penny
a bad workman always blames his tools --› see workman
come to a bad end --› see end
from bad to worse
1. into an even worse state
• 每况愈下
in a bad way
1. ill or in trouble
• 健康情形很坏的;有病的
my bad
1. [N. Amer. informal] used to acknowledge responsibility for a mistake
[北美,非正式] [用于表示承担犯错误的责任]我的错
 »Sorry I lost your CD. It's my bad.
not (或 not so) bad
1. [informal] fairly good
[非正式] 还好的,不错的
 »she discovered he wasn't so bad after all.
to the bad
1. to ruin
• (走)向毁灭
 »I hate to see you going to the bad.
2. in deficit
• 负债
 »he was £80 to the bad.
too bad
1. [informal] used to indicate that something is regrettable but now beyond retrieval
[非正式] 可惜;不幸
 »too bad, but that's the way it is.
baddish adjective
badness noun
1. Middle English : perhaps from Old English bǣddel 'hermaphrodite, womanish man'
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