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时间: 2024-09-19 11:31:15



/ stC: /

1. a quantity or supply of something kept for use as needed
• 储备量,储备物;大量,丰富
 »the squirrel has a store of food.
 »her vast store of knowledge.
  a place where things are kept for future use or sale
• 仓库,货栈
 »a grain store.
  (stores)supplies of equipment and food kept for use by members of an army, navy, or other institution, or the place where they are kept
• (陆军、海军等机构的)贮存品,备用品,补给品;贮备库,贮藏库
  [Brit.] a computer memory
[英] (计算机的)存储器
2. (chiefly N. Amer.)a shop of any size or kind
[主北美] 商店,店铺
 »a health-food store.
  [Brit.] a large shop selling different types of goods
[英] (卖各种不同商品的)大商店
  [Brit.] (也作 stores)a shop selling basic necessities
[英] 百货商店
 »a well-stocked village store.
3. a sheep, steer, cow, or pig acquired or kept for fattening
• 待育肥的小羊(或小公牛、小母牛、小猪)
1. [with obj.] keep or accumulate (something) for future use
• 贮备,储藏,储存
 »a small room used for storing furniture.
 »the scheme could store up serious future problems.
  retain or enter (information) for future electronic retrieval
• 储存(信息)
 »the data is stored on disk.
  (be stored with)have a supply of (something useful)
• 存有,装有(有用的东西)
 »a mind well stored with esoteric knowledge.
in store
1. in a safe place while not being used or displayed
• 储藏着;准备着
 »items held in store.
2. coming in the future; about to happen
• 将要发生,即将发生
 »he did not yet know what lay in store for him.
set (或 lay, put) store by (或 on)
1. consider (something) to be of a particular degree of importance or value
• 重视;尊重
 »many people set much store by privacy.
storable adjective
storer noun
1. Middle English: shortening of Old French estore (noun), estorer (verb), from Latin instaurare 'renew'; compare with restore
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