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时间: 2024-09-17 13:16:54



/ 5nQWiN /

1. not anything; no single thing
• 什么都没有;一点儿都没有
 »I said nothing.
 »there's nothing you can do.
 »they found nothing wrong.
  something of no importance or concern
• 无关紧要的事
 »‘What are you laughing at?’ ‘Oh, nothing, sir’.
 »they are nothing to him.
 »[as noun] no longer could we be treated as nothings.
  (in calculations) no amount; nought
• (计算中数量上的)无,零
1. [attrib.] [informal] having no prospect of progress; of no value
[非正式] 没前途的;没价值的
 »he had a series of nothing jobs.
1. not at all
• 一点也不,毫不
 »she cares nothing for others.
 »he looks nothing like the others.
  [postpositive] [N. Amer. informal] used to contradict something emphatically
[北美,非正式] (用于强烈地表示相反看法)根本不是(这样)
 »‘This is a surprise.’ ‘Surprise nothing.’.
be nothing to do with
--› see do
for nothing
1. at no cost; without payment
• 无代价地,分文不花地;无偿地;无报酬地
 »working for nothing.
2. to no purpose
• 徒劳地,白白地;无效果地
 »he died anyway, so it had all been for nothing.
have nothing on someone --› see have
have nothing to do with --› see do
no nothing
1. [informal] (concluding a list of negatives) nothing at all
[非正式] (用在一连串否定的最后)什么也没有
 »how could you solve it with no clues, no witnesses, no nothing?
not for nothing
1. for a very good reason
• 很有好处
 »not for nothing have I a brother-in-law who cooks professionally.
nothing but
1. only
• 仅仅,只
 »nothing but the best will do.
nothing daunted --› see daunt
nothing doing
[informal 非正式]
1. there is no prospect of success or agreement
• 没有希望
 »He wants to marry her. Nothing doing!.
2. nothing is happening
• 什么也没发生
 »there's nothing doing, and I've been waiting for weeks.
nothing (或 nothing else) for it
1. [Brit.] no alternative
[英] 别无他法
 »there was nothing for it but to follow.
nothing less than
1. used to emphasize how extreme something is
• 不折不扣是,十足是;完全是
 »it was nothing less than sexual harassment.
nothing much
1. not a great amount; nothing of importance
• 数量不多;没什么重要的
there is nothing to it
1. there is no difficulty involved
• 毫无困难
stop at nothing --› see stop
sweet nothings
1. words of affection exchanged by lovers
• 甜蜜情话
 »whispering sweet nothings in her ear.
think nothing of it
1. do not apologize or feel bound to show gratitude (used as a polite response)
• (对道歉者或致谢者说的客气话)别放在心上;没关系;别客气
you ain't seen nothing yet
1. [informal] used to indicate that although something may be considered extreme or impressive, there is something even more extreme or impressive in store
[非正式] 这还不算什么,还有更使你吃惊的你还没有见过呢
 »if you think that was muddy, you ain't seen nothing yet.
1. Old English nān thing (see no , thing )
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